Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

OCC: Nice Update!

From Normandy
To Orleans, Dauphine

We would like to offer our condolences to the people of Orleans and Grenoble. The French Brotherhood is a menace to the peace and security of our three states. Our government is currently investigating and interrogating members of this violent and abhorrent group. If we are able to gather any intelligence on further activities of this group we will of course share. We hope that you are also willing to share any intelligence you are able to gather.

From Normandy
To Occitania

There is a connection between these terrorists and your country. We of course are not making any accusations but we would like an explanation of how they acquired such a large stockpile of weapons made in your country. It would be of great use to our investigation to have the full cooperation of your government. If we discover any links to corruption within your government we will turn them over to you so you can apprehend these criminals.

From Normandy
To Burgundy

We would like to congratulate Aristide Briand and his New Confederate Party for his victory in the recent elections. It is no secret that we have had disputes with the previous Burgundian government but we have always remained friends. Lets hope for a future of continued cooperation for the peace and security of our two nations.

From Normandy
To Poitou

We would like to congratulate the Unified Conservative Party for their victory in the recent elections.

OCC: Changed Grenoble to Dauphine because of a minor mix up :)
OOC: Ok, this might have been explained before, but why does Sardinia have so much ep?
From Occitania
To Normandy
CC Orleans, Poitou

We are shocked and appalled by the actions of the French Fraternity, and not only do we, in solidarity with our French allies send our condolences for their losses, but we also take offence ourselves for what can only be called a thievery of Occitanian government property.

We believe that corruption within our country combined with bloated intelligence spending, rearmament, and multiple military mobilizations in our country, allowed these transfers of weapons to take place. Thus, we plan on decreasing military and intelligence spending while we conduct investigations into those within the administration who may have contributed to this chaos.

OOC: Brotherhood in French is fraternity.
Occitanian Election of 1932

The election mandated for this year has produced immense speculation and debate on a large range of issues, which have been brought up by all the parties to contest over who should run a government during these good economic times. The gains of the Party of Order in its long leadership have been diminished because of the new opportunities for peace and growth, which have allowed the Socialists and conservatives room for new voters who either agree on reform or that the liberals are corrupt and need to be replaced.

Party of Order - the Liberals

Having officially become the longest running administration, first being elected in 1920, the Party of Order boasts of numerous achievements in its decade long reign. Having adapted to political circumstance, after their early victory on economic development, the party drove directly into foreign affairs, protecting itself by a cordial political alliance with its two closest neighbours, and then most recently, shifting towards a highly friendly pro-French attitude. The conductor of all these affairs is the longstanding and now aged Pierre Durand, a man whose length of incumbency alone guarantees him as a controversial figure. This year Durand and his party run on a platform of continuing economic development, a pro-French foreign policy, support of the military in Sardinia, and tightening of party power to curb corruption, such as relating to the French Fraternity's actions outside of Occitania. His critics have called his party too corrupt to be reformed by any measure other than an electoral defeat. Many people who agree with Durand's pro-French stance have been persuaded towards the Socialists, while others who agree with his pro-military stance have looked towards National Unity. Neither of those parties can claim to have repeatedly instituted successful economic plans, but neither are prey to economic failure, like the party's miserable industrial investment plan most recently. The strongest talking points the Party of Order is playing on this election is its ability to play politics to Occitania's favour, and continue development and growth in industry in the country; this goodwill and historical adeptness it hopes to bank on.

National Unity Party - the Conservatives, the Occitanian Nationalists

Old but still strong, National Unity under Paul Grévy has continued to succeed in its nationalist niche, being the only party arguing against the pro-French integration policy undertaken by the liberals. They are supporters of the war in Tunisia, and would pledge even more commitment to victory. In economics National Unity has also critiqued the government for being too invasive, whereas National Unity maintains a policy of economic non-intervention. This platform has been appealing to the party's base, but the party has not tried to win over the reform minded population in Occitania, created from the worldwide economic boon. Grévy has maintained that this time of boon is precisely the time to not extend what the government thinks it can do outside of helping its allies, and the debate rages as to what extent Grévy's image and that of National Unity will win translate into votes in the election.

Socialist Party - the Socialists

Easily the most vociferous party in the election campaign, the Socialists have dramatically increased their rhetoric and promises. They have been loud advocates against Pierre Durand and his government's gutting of the unions, as well as his reduction of the minimum wage - all for failed or half-hearted economic projects which benefit the wealthy class in Occitania. The Socialist Party, with its leader from the 1927 party election, Martin Cambon, have even brought up constitutional issues, arguing for a referendum on the women's suffrage and full secularization of the country with the removal of the church reserved seats in the upper chamber. They have promised to raise the minimum wage past what it was before the Durand government lowered it, reinstall union independence, provide universal secondary education, and begin new social programs to mimic the successes of Occitania's neighbours, with arts subsidies and a national healthcare plan. among other plans. The Socialists also support the war in Tunisia in solidarity with Occitania's allies. The Socialists have brought up their transparency, presenting themselves as removed from the corruption of the Saysset and Durand governments, with those parties siphoning public funds to the wealthy, and losing Occitanian military hardware to the French Fraternity, respectively. Further, Cambon and his party disagree with National Unity, believing this is exactly the time to grow relations with the rest of France, not isolate Occitania, and thus the Socialists have also adopted a pro-French foreign policy. Given the good economic climate, many people have become willing to allow these experiments in new social programs, though to what extent, is still speculated.

Bloc Français - the French Nationalists, the "Bloc"

Having a much quieter campaign this year, the most radically pro-French faction in Occitanian politics has spent most of its time since the Grenoble massacre distancing itself from the French Fraternity. They were quick to denounce the attacks undertaken by the Fraternity, and despite popular belief in their association with Fraternity actions, the Bloc has publicly maintained the belief that unity in France cannot come from acts of vandalism and violence. The party, domineered by its leader La Roque, is unique in national politics as the only party which advocates pacifism and reducing the size of the military. They argue national resources should be put towards the corporate well-being of its citizens, not politicking to protect colonialism in Africa, or any other foreign conflict.
A quick note: After reviewing my notes and old orders, I have modified the article on Jacksonia's elections to be consistent their own reforms.

@Bair_the_Normal: Correct, Bir-ashab is indeed Beersheba.

@Azale: Sardinia's EP is a relic of coal days when they were the sole bastion of stability and commerce in the Western Mediterranean. For a time, they were easily the most powerful commercial center in the region, even rivaling Spanish businesses for control. Of course these days, they're having a harder and harder time maintaining that lofty position.

To: Persia
From: Kurdistan

The violence in the region is solely the responsibility of your own overzealous and corrupt border police forces. We have not engaged in any aggressive acts of our own, and hope that you are capable of seeing the flaws within without provoking a conflict that you will lose.

To: Normandy
From: Dauphine

We thank you for your condolences and look forward to cooperation against further efforts of the French Brotherhood.
Treaty of Kyoto 1932

The great nations of the Empire of Brazil and the Empire of Japan, having experienced firsthand the horrors of total war on land, at sea, and in the skies, come together this year to make a great leap forward for humanity and capitalism in the Pacific. Through the clauses below, the Japanese and Brazilian peoples vow to put war and conflict behind them and look towards a future where no more sons must die over frivolous causes. As good Christians, the leaders of Brazil, through the work of God and Empire, do so seek peace on this world with their signatures.

Article 1. That the nations of the Empire of Brazil and the Empire of Japan shall agree to fight no war between one another for the period of ten years, renewable in 1942.

Article 2. That the city of Manila, in the Japanese Philippines, shall have a section of its port district set up as a free economic zone for Brazilian corporations and individuals. This zone will be demilitarized. No threats from the Japanese government, or unfair customs, duties, or tariffs, shall be placed on those Brazilians that actively invest in the Japanese market.

Article 2b. Brazilian livestock and crops shall be entered into the Japanese market through this free economic zone for the purpose of meeting the growing demands of the Japanese Empire and Asian community. Along with this, the Japanese government will reduce tariffs on Brazilian produced food goods.

Article 3. That the two nations agree to a mutual defense of trade in the Pacific from piracy and raiding by third parties. This shall see that the Pacific's economic prosperity will not be threatened by rogue nations.

Article 4. That the two nations agree to cooperate on the containment and reversal of the Proletarist efforts in the Pacific.

Signed, First Minister Paulino Souza, in the Name of the Emperor and the People of Brazil
Today, Japan and Brazil sign the Treat of Kyoto. This treaty represents a leap forward towards peace and economic prosperity across the Pacific, a step made especially poignant when held in contrast with the recent outbreak of the Fireworks War on continental Asia. The root cause of this war, Proletarism, represents something which is fundamentally undesirable for all those across the Pacific. The actions of the those who have caused this terror and chaos in recent years, the vile dogs known as the Red Army, are nothing more than bandits and highwaymen, seeking their own gain. They claim to speak the end of disparities and of removing wealth from the world. They speak lies and act to achieve the ruination of Asia before our blossom has bloomed. What concern is disparity, when even the poorest worker achieves adequate provisions of food and luxuries which were not afforded to even our most prosperous ancestors? True, we still must work hard to achieve this security, but it is an effort which we all bear. All Japanese citizens strive to ensure prosperity remains achievable for all citizen. This is something the Red Army would deny you. They would restrict your economic potential and ration your wealth, so that those who do not wish to work may take the harvest of your labor.

Today, we shall stand with Brazil in opposition to the Red Army, to Proletarism. Today, we shall forge new bonds, new ties, with those who live across the Pacific. We have been enemies in the past, it is true, but today we find new interests and ground in our disdain for the cowardly Proletarian ideologies. When your homes are threatened, when your fields are burning, and when there are bandits are demanding your prosperity, you must unite with those in your village, even those whom you quarrel with, to defend your homes. This is what this treaty represents. It represents a great leap forward towards obtaining economic security and is a step towards peace in Asia. We must work hard, and remain vigilant for those who would threaten our prosperity, lest we fall back into darkness and bondage which held Asia back over the last century.

signed Prince Tokugawa Yoshihisa, on behalf of Emperor Taisho and the Empire of Japan
OOC: I hope this turns out to be the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of CI. :p
OOC: I think all references to a single "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of CI" betray a grave misunderstanding of how this game works. :p
OOC: I think all references to a single "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of CI" betray a grave misunderstanding of how this game works. :p

OOC: True, I was realising all of the treaties with that potentiality. :lol:
From: The Islamic Republic of Libya
Broadcasted across the Middle-East

"People of Arabia, here me now. The most holy city of Jerusalem is once more in our hands! We are surely masters of our own fates now! Rise up I say, and join the cause! We shall free Tunisia from the yoke of oppression, and cast out the foreign influence, and thereby purifying ourselves, as Muhammad purged the Kaaba of pagan idolatry.

Consider Ali, the last of the rightfully guided Caliphs. He was named the Lion of Islam for his valor, justice, and wisdom in his dealings. One day, the Prophet found Ali praying, despite the fierce sand storm that raged all about him. Impressed by this show of faith, Muhammad named Ali the Master of the Sands. We can learn much from this. We find ourselves divided, tossed against one another through greed, competing goals, and court intrigue. We must, like Ali, be steadfast and constant, and fight not ourselves but our enemy. United, we shall move forward against our greatest enemy."
To: Kurdistan
From: High Shahansha Abdul al-Din of the Islamic Kingdom of Persia

You Kurds are very cocky, to attempt to lie to our faces about the causes of assassination of Persian officials, and to suggest that your might superior to the Shahansha's. Persians ruled the East far before your kind were an idea.
Thank you for fixing the update, but my President still says Liam Tuff in the stats :/
Stats will be updated with the next update.
OOC: I hope this turns out to be the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of CI. :p

Can't see any reason why. What do they have to fight over?
This is the 48 hour warning to get those orders in.
To Florida and Jacksonia
From Aztlan

Aztlan, having nothing but the friendliest and most cordial sentiments for both belligerent parties in the Colorado war, and fearing that events seem to be causing the whole economy of the region to stagnate, and further, believing that genuine goodwill and cooperation could have little difficulty finding a firm and lasting solution, seeing as all that is required is a decisive and equitable division of water rights, declares its intention to remain neutral in the conflict and hopes that the parties in question find a fair solution, as there seems to be no other end in sight, and little chance that either party will win an outright victory.

Furthermore, we would like to volunteer that, should the parties concerned wish to hold a peace conference on neutral territory, we would be willing to host them, and would be equally willing to provide arbitrators to find an equitable resolution to the rival claims, or to send arbitrators to join a commission of arbitrators from other neutral states for the purpose.

That is Aztlan's stance on the conflict, and, friendly as we are to all parties, we hope that the war will come to the swiftest possible close.
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