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Capto Iugulum: 1940 - 1959

I would say he is not using morality to define what is true, but rather Catholicism and its theology/philosophy/teaching, with what is morally right proceeding from that truth. Other than that, I suppose you are in a sense right when you say he rejects nihilism on sociological grounds, however that sociological rejection (its bad for people, therefore it shouldn't be followed) of course proceeds from and it contingent and secondary to a primary philosophical and theological position which is the essence of the argument, and not an argument that stands independently by itself. (which is why I said your first assertion that he is rejecting nihilism on sociological grounds, was false). Ergo a sociological problem is a manifestation of its interior error which is problematic, not the root problem itself.

Funnily enough I suppose this does enhance his argument, since the argument to its effects would resonate amongst the masses, whereas the implied philosophical and theological view would be where he engages in discourse with the various intellectuals and academics who may have adopted a nihilist view themselves.
I think the pope will always have truth on his side so long as Catholicism and its theology/philosophy/teaching are used to define what is true. :(

I find we are nitpicking in a insignificant definition game. I guss you are right and I am right in our own context. I kinda get what you have been saying and I hope you feel the same.

Beast Regards
and good night.
Its not so simple as "the Church says so, therefore its true..." there are various independent philosophical positions which underpin doctrine (natural law for example), with the primary principle underpinning all other principles of course being God Himself. by saying Il Papa is defining moral truths in Catholic terms, what I mean is that he is applying these principles.

But yes, nitpicking we are so I suppose we can end it here :p
TO: World
FROM: Brazil

We are looking to sell our 2 Maryland-class Battleships and 2 Lioness-class Battlecruisers for 40 EP (24 EP cheaper than market value). These would make a great starter fleet for any developing nation with naval ambitions.
MaDaro, we don't usually let diplomacy happen until after the first update that you've sentsent orders for. That "rule" is there so we don't have people doing diplomacy and then jumping around.

Also, consider editing your posts. Double posts, let alone triple posts, aren't good forum etiquette.
Not forum etiquette, but rather, imposed NES moderator's rule when it comes to no diplomacy before you send in orders. When orders are sent in for an update, then your diplomacy can become valid. See the first post for the provided format for sending in your orders.
A message from Stockholme and the Confederation. His computer broke down, and all his orders and info were on it. He still can use a family computer, but as he doesn't have all the relevant info from his personal computer, his orders will most likely be late.
Confederation-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement

The Confederation of Continental States and the Swiss Free State hereby agree:

1. To eliminate all tariffs on goods and services originating in each others' respective states.

2. To eliminate existing import quotas and not implement new import quotas, on goods and services originating in each others' respective states.

Spoiler :
Signed, the Plenipotentiaries of the Confederation of Continental States
Weber, President.
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