• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Capto Iugulum: 1940 - 1959

OOC: I'm really surprised that a party which name isn't even in Catalan won the election in Catalonia. Wibbly wobbly althist mist stuff I guess.
Current actual belligerents as of 1941 (only belligerents which suffered casualties are coloured). Orange for the rebel alliance, green for the empire:

Spoiler :

Also, "Occitanian pawns" is a pretty amusing accusation.
Transcript from The Times of India, January 15, 1941

Flag of the New Raj

Lotus Throne Declaration​

“Brothers and sisters, people of India, we are on the cusp of a new era! In the past, petty princes with delusions of grandeur have sewn division through the land, leading to millennia of warfare, culminating in the great bloodletting of the past six years. Now we desire to put those times behind us, and create a new age for all India! Such a shift will require fundamental changes to the way this nation is governed; these changes have already been implemented in the north will soon spread to the rest of the country. These reforms are not the end of India’s Great Change however.

Firstly, the entity formerly known as the Kingdom of Kalinga will be subsumed under our rule as the Special Governorate of Kalinga. We recognize that the people of that Kingdom, who did not choose to have such perfidious leadership, bear no fault in the war; that is squarely on the head of their King, who, stripped of his title, is sentenced to internal exile in Dharamsala, where he will spend the rest of his days in meditation, pondering the gravity of his sins, his lands seized as those of the princes were and distributed among the people, our people. The unique and distinct history of Kalinga’s people will be recognized by us and therefore we grant Kalinga the status of Special Governorate within India; those elder statesmen of Kalinga who agree to an Oath of Loyalty to our Throne will be given leave to choose from among them a Governor, who will rule in conjunction with a Peshwa, appointed by us in the manner of those chosen so far.

Secondly, we declare that it is the duty of our government to see that all Indian peoples are united under one flag. The time for disunity and foreign rule has long passed, and we can hear the cries of our brothers and sisters in Bengal and Gujarat as they chafe under the yoke of foreign domination. We also recognize that foreign domination and colonization of any nearby lands and peoples represent a great threat to our security, as those colonies may provide a beachhead for those old powers to come and wreak havoc in our sacred lands once again.

Thirdly, we recognize the plurality of the people of India. We have different languages, different traditions, and even different faiths. It matters not to Our Divine Majesty though, whether you speak Hindi or Urdu or Tamil, whether you come from the north or the south, or whether you are Hindu, Muslim, or Catholic. You are all Indian, and you are all my subjects, whom it is my Divine duty to serve and protect. Therefore, I personally guarantee rights for all Indians regardless of these factors. It has come to our attention that a unified language is preferable for the running of a state however, but given the heartache which the attempts to promote Hindi have caused our nation, we will seek another solution. I have already commissioned our nation’s greatest linguists to determine a way to develop Sanskrit, the language of our most Holy texts, into a language which all Indians may learn with some ease.

Finally, today we stand before you as the sole ruler of India. No longer can princes stand between us and justice for the people; you are freed from their oppression and greed. However, our new role, and India’s new future, requires change. No longer can we be a “High Prince,” since there are no princes. No longer can India be called a group of “United Principalities,” since there is but one India. We have performed the Rajasuya; from this day, from this moment forward we are no longer High Prince of India; we are your Samraat. Our first declaration as Samraat is that we are dissolving the United Principalities of India, and raising in its place the Greater Indian Raj. This New Raj will surely lead India to glories our fathers could not have dreamed of!

Rejoice, our children, for a new dawn is upon us!”
To Spain
From: The Holy See

Spain and the Holy See have over the centuries had a strong relationship, a relationship which we are glad to say continues to this day. However last year we were disappointed to see that the current Spanish government in a measure that is reminiscent of Proletarist totalitarianism established in law a state monopoly on televisual broadcasting, effectively curtailing the Church's crucial evangelical work through this new media.

The Holy See henceforth requests that the Spanish government change this monopolistic and totalitarian media law, which violates the liberty of the Church and of individuals to utilise new media, to permit the Catholic bishops and Catholic religious organisations, and private organisations and individuals, the right to establish broadcasting centres and to enter the televisual market.

In order to address concerns as to the potential for immoral use of this new media should it be unrestricted (which we do not advocate) we would advise His Imperial Majesty's government to establish a list of prohibited agents, who are forbidden from owning media in Spain (presumably dangerous political and criminal organisations determined by Spanish intelligence) and to institute a censor to ensure that media content is morally acceptable, and does not promote vice and social unrest.


~ Secretary for Relations with States
~ Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith.


To: Belligerents in the War
From: The Holy See

In addition to the anguish felt by the Church at this sordid and unneccesary war, which has caused unspeakable destruction and loss of life to the great detriment of the nations, We are particularly pained to learn of the new evil of the aerial bombing of civilian areas.

We henceforth condemn the intentional targeting and bombing of civilian areas (as compared to military targets) as a morally indefensible action in wartime and as a violation of the principles of just war. We would urge all nations, Russia in particular, to desist from this heinous practice and to take every effort to minimise civilian casualties inasmuch as the war persists unabated to the discontent of God omnipotent.

We likewise continue our urgent plea for all parties to consider a peaceful solution to the conflict, offering to host any congress that may be held should the belligerents seek to resolve their differences pacifically in the interests of minimising the destruction of life and property and the ruination of nations.


~ Pope Pius X.


To Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay
From: The Holy See

The Holy See wishes to express its concern at revelations that agents of the Argentinian state (ambassadorial staff) were involved in illicit interference in the domestic political affairs of Paraguay. Such actions by a state agency risk the serenity that has been recently restored in South America and the prospect of increased tensions and if perpetuated into the future risk the trust that has been established in the region and correspondingly the peace that secures the livelihoods and peace of the people. We would strongly urge therefore that Argentina refrain from such policy into the future in accordance with the precepts of the recently ratified treaty of Asuncion and that Brazil likewise maintains its treaty obligations.

To the people and political parties of Paraguay, we note the clear necessity revealed by the corruption of the political process for personal morality, rooted in the virtue of religion, without which vice flourishes, on the part of politicians, bureaucrats and indeed all citizens of Paraguay. Only through personal uprightness and piety throughout all levels of the political system from the citizen to the politician can the temptation to corruption effectively be held at bay and the state apparatus cleansed. Once such moral standards are ingrained, than institutional measures such as an independent anti-corruption agency, restrictions on lobbying rights for corporations, and accountability protocols for financial transactions, effectively safeguard the dignity and moral rectitude proper to governmental and political office.

~ Pontifical Commissioner for Latin America
~ Secretary for Relations with States
OOC: A reminder that I will not be playing Germany (or nation in CI for that matter) this turn. I am merely waiting for a replacement to confirm they still want Germany despite the Russian invasion.
At this time, no one has volunteered for Germany or any of the other recently vacated nations.
I believe TheMeanestGuest is going to or mentioned that he might on the thread?
If he did I missed that, but I'm hoping to have a nice chat with him over Steam relating to Florida, so if he did, we'll discuss Germany's future.
OOC: Anyone mind selling me an outdated tank design for pennies?

I also think it's quite clear now that Germany is a goner.
St. Gallen Financial Post
Cost: 2 Francs

Swiss Economic Markets Downturn
The latest world spanning conflict has resulted in disruption of vital Swiss trade links, particularly among beneficiaries of the Outer Haven Project. The Swiss labor force has also seen a constriction as many are taking up opportunities to join vocational or college programs given recent cuts to tuition as part of the expansion of the government's social programs.

Healthcare free for poor
The expansion of the national health insurance program has allowed it free for the poor to participate. Previously it was offered at subsidized rates.

Tuition for Foreigners Rise
Attributed to a response in demand for scarce student visas, Swiss colleges are raising tuition for foreigners wishing to attend our colleges as a means of avoiding the draft. The immigration form itself has been revised to a one meter long set of documents, requesting information such as:
-Close relatives in nations other than Switzerland
-Activities and affiliations
-Military training and experience of applicant
-Marriages, current and former
-Current address
-Work history
-Purpose of entering Switzerland
I believe TheMeanestGuest is going to or mentioned that he might on the thread?

He did. I did too. However, I'm willing to just take Florida if he wants Germany.
Excellent update EQ! Yay Liu Bei made it in :3

I'm willing to take Argentina if theDright hasn't come back.

ed: maybe. I have to think about this, I have Stockholm syndrome (ah-ha) for Denmark :p


I also think it's quite clear now that Germany France is a goner.

Said the Germans in 1940.
@Grandkhan: Technically France was a goner in 1940. That'd be more correct sentiment if you said "Britain."
I can volunteer for Germany, if no one else wants it.
Like Luckymoose, think one with a more reputable precedent should hold Germany, at least during the war where there is little room for experimentation.
OOC: Ophorian is correct that I'm without my orders, and will likely be late with them by a few days when I get a new laptop etc*
*currently on family computer


Confederation-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement

The Confederation of Continental States and the Swiss Free State hereby agree:

1. To eliminate all tariffs on goods and services originating in each others' respective states.

2. To eliminate existing import quotas and not implement new import quotas, on goods and services originating in each others' respective states.
Weber, President.
The Giant Vinlandic Reference Post

For all* of your Vinland-referencing needs.

Vinland Fact Sheet (1936)

Population Map of Vinland

Vinlandic Currency (1927)

The Byström Agreement (1927)

Vinland Fact Sheet (1926)

Treaty of Konradsköping (1926)

Detailed Background (1919)

Vinland Fact Sheet (1916)

Statsministers of Vinland (1941)

Statsministers of Vinland (1939)

Governmental Timeline (1938)

1927 Election Preview

Governmental Timeline (1928)

Royal Family Tree (1926)

Kristina and Markus

1923 Election Preview

Royal Family Tree (1919)

Governmental Timeline (1919)

Royal Family Tree and History (1918)

The Great Political Shuffle of 1910

Vinlandskridningpolis (1933)

Vinlandic Naval Register (1926)

Vinlandic Naval Register (1921)

Vinlandic Naval Register (1918)

Border Changes Within the Landsdels and Distrikts of Vinland (1936)

National Map (1902)

National Map (1918)

Landsdelar of Vinland
Nya Sverige





-Distrikts of Norrland (1926)




Varukorgboll Teams of Vinland (1930)

Varukorgboll in the 1920s

Varukorgboll Continued

MÅÅÅL!: An Introduction to Varukorgboll

The Man of Pragmatism (1938)

The Man of Justice (1938)

The Man of Peace (1938)

Narvalen (1937)

A Love Letter from Ole

1926 in Vinlandic Culture

The Greatest Northern Railway (1924)

Forth to Vinland (1921)

A Sunny Day in Lima (1918)

Refugees (1910)

King Ingvar's Address to the League of Continental Nations (1909)

Immigration Poster (1901)

Axel Gyllenstjerna (1901)

Letters to Cousin Harald Part IV (1914)

Letters to Cousin Harald Part III (1911)

Letters to Cousin Harald Part II (1907)

Letters to Cousin Harald Part I (1905)

*Or you could ask me.
I'd like to note the significantly more hostile and uncooperative tone in Letters to Cousin Harald Part I (1907) than has been indicated by the ad hoc presentation of the Vinlandic position in regards to the Great War. :mischief:
A Public Announcement to All Nations

Citing the recent disturbances and attempts by both sides of the current European conflict to inconvenience and prey upon civilian traffic, and

cognisant of the continual assaults by both sides on merchant shipping causing great inconvenience and degradation of Danish trade,

and within the bounds and regulations of the 1929 Treaty of the Skaggerak and the Oresund,

the Kingdom of Denmark declares that the Skaggerak is hereby closed to all belligerent military traffic. Your disruptions to trade and security have gone far enough. Any attempts by either belligerent to force the Skaggerak will be met with the full force of the Royal Danish Navy, Air Force, and terrestrial military forces.

Signed, Statsminister Christian Zahle
ooc: To be honest, I'm surprised Denmark hasn't reverted to tolling passing ships in the straits utilising its artillery as an incentive to pay, considering it apparently has the power to block the skaggerak despite the inconvenient fact the way to the North Sea remains open via Prole territory. Which opens the interesting avenue of inquiry as to whether Denmark will attack prole and other military ships in Scandinavia's own territory to enforce its decree, which would presumably put it at odds with the so-called Allies and be an act of war against the allies via Proletarist Scandinavia (and the League if the ships happened to be Russian).

Incidentally, back in the IRL day toll money was a goodly portion of the national income for the Danes. Something to think about if it ever wants to conquer Skane or persist in enforcing policy in foreign territory :p
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