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Caveman 2 Cosmos

No. Delete the old and insert the new and keep it labeled Caveman2Cosmos. You'll get lots more tips Here!

My folder right now is called caveman2cosmos. Do you know if capitalization matters or not?
So basically I can't really continue my save? Right now I'm in the end of the Ancient era, very close to classical. What then happens if I follow the procedure suggested her using "play now", etc and choose Ancient era as start era, will I (and all other civs) begin from scratch on the Ancient era? Or will I get too keep all my researched technologies?
You are forced to start a new game on v37 because v36 saves will not work no matter what.
When you start a new game in ancient era you will start with all techs from the prehistoric era. C2C is not balanced for later era start, it will work but it is not recomended.
You are forced to start a new game on v37 because v36 saves will not work no matter what.
When you start a new game in ancient era you will start with all techs from the prehistoric era. C2C is not balanced for later era start, it will work but it is not recomended.

Ok thank you, I think I understand then; there's no way to continue the save properly if upgrading to v37, thanks. Good to know so I can decide to stay on v36 if I like to :)
My folder right now is called caveman2cosmos. Do you know if capitalization matters or not?
I'm not 100% sure but I would suspect it does. The 'c's should be capitalized.
(I can't remember if I posted this already or not)

While in hospital I read some interesting stuff on Zeppelins. When they were in use in warfare there was nothing that could counter them.
  • guns and artillery did not have the range and if they did hit the maximum damage they could do was the equivalent of a slow leak. Something they already had due to the nature of the gas they were using.

  • airplanes of the day could not match their altitude and their guns were even less accurate than ground based ones.
What was needed to counter zeppelins was
  • for planes
    • improved engines to give them increased altitude
    • guns that synchronized firing with the propeller
  • for all
    • incendiary rounds of ammunition
Once the enemy has those the zeppelin is obsolete. I don't know if we have these techs in game or if they are merged in some way but it would be good if we can represent this in game.
Incendiary rounds shouldn't be anything dramatic as if a pilot knew they were going against a zeppelin, they just loaded the guns with incendiaries. Interrupter gears came about fairly early in WWI with Rolland Garros' deflector plates and Anthony Fokker's actual interrupter gears. Maybe a promotion for aircraft?
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, but I pushed something while playing that seems to have locked all my cities into pursuing a specific item every term (in this case, Espionage). Any idea how to fix this?
Load a previous save IMHO.
I did that; turning the AI Governor "off" made the game return to the normal auto-building, turning it back on reverted it to Espionage only. Also, I downloaded the most recent SVN two days ago.
Wait... you've automated your cities and wonder why they won't let you choose what you wish to build? AI Governer is an option underneath automation and only changes how automation work. You've set your cities to automation already if it changes the decisions the cities make. I don't automate so I'm not sure how to turn it off unfortunately.
Is multiple production still implemented in v37 / svn? I think the option is no longer there (could be wrong). If it is implemented, do you know if the governor takes it into consideration? I had to forgo using automated building because the ai didn't seem to realize it could build more than one thing at a time.
Is multiple production still implemented in v37 / svn? I think the option is no longer there (could be wrong). If it is implemented, do you know if the governor takes it into consideration? I had to forgo using automated building because the ai didn't seem to realize it could build more than one thing at a time.
It's automatically on. The AI re-evaluates what it's going to build/train in the middle of processing. Even if it doesn't look like they queue up properly, it's because they don't have to. In essence, every time they complete a build, they are asked what next and it goes on to select that immediately, even if in mid production processing.
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, but I pushed something while playing that seems to have locked all my cities into pursuing a specific item every term (in this case, Espionage). Any idea how to fix this?

Wait... you've automated your cities and wonder why they won't let you choose what you wish to build? AI Governer is an option underneath automation and only changes how automation work. You've set your cities to automation already if it changes the decisions the cities make. I don't automate so I'm not sure how to turn it off unfortunately.

I apologize for being unclear; I wasn't sure how to phrase it. All the cities still have buildings to create, but when the "Follow the same priority as the AI civs" option is on, they all select the same thing, Espionage. When the "Do not follow the same priority as the AI civs" option is on, they proceed through the list of buildings as expected.
Wow! It is enough to be away for some 2 months to find a new version of C2C :) I have bouhht a cheap (about 10 USD) edition of Civ V Complete and I had sunk there but new release of C2C may make me to come back...

Ever changing and never really sitting still is C2C. ;)

As an addendum to the above comment:

We really need one more player for our team game in the Progressive Multiplayer game:https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/progressive-mp-game-thread.610075/

If you can commit to taking regular turns for some time to come and want to have one of the most fun games you'll ever experience (the sensation of immersion over time is really amazing) then by all means, join us! A team is going to need you!
Can I be a dick and request a "You get random traits" feature for "start with no traits" and "Developing leader"? Its way too easy to game prehistoric with nomad and expansionist.
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