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I'm concerned about Apolyton getting hacked...

Assuming 'poly takes the same approach outlined by vyeh in regards to CGN having backups, then 'poly should be able to rebuild their website with the last backup they made, and any loss of SMACX data should be minimal.
This is the part that indeed concerns me most. The loss of all that content would be a CATASTROPHE. 'poly has the most SMACX content anywhere, yes?

However, there has been some life in the ACS AC forum lately -a bit busier than here, in fact- and some actual efforts to build on same and make it last have been initiated, so I'm concerned as a direct Greater SMACX Community issue, too. I mean, I sure hope this is temporary and I do care about the people.
That must have been before my time. Can you point some of the highlights out to me?
Not at the moment, no.

Am I wrong, then? I was thinking of the totality of the archives, posts and attachments going back longer than anywhere else, but I haven't kept track of what was and was not eventually restored - I do know that I used to have half again more posts, but I couldn't say what 2 or 3 hundred disappeared, as everything I ever went looking for eventually turned up. I may just have gotten a PCR at some point, for all I know. ;)

Nowhere has all that impressive a set of SMACX Downloads, if that's what you're thinking of, and the best set may be at WPC - I spent years on that...
It would not be the first time a gaming site got hacked. Sucks for the admin since he will now have to probably fax IDs to whatever hosting company to prove it is him/her.

Then, the admin can see what damage is done.

Who knows, maybe they hacked off some gamer who has a black belt in hack fu and keeps shrines to Roze and Linus Torvolds in the computer room.
Who knows, maybe they hacked off some gamer who has a black belt in hack fu and keeps shrines to Roze and Linus Torvolds in the computer room.


Seriously, though, as previously discussed with Buncle, my plan is to post the first scenario of this series at 'poly, and it does happen to be a Data Angels scenario: this wouldn't be considered "too soon", would it?

Also, here is the changelog for this scenario. Anyone have any thoughts?


The alphax.txt file for this game has been heavily modified, with some of the more notable modifications as follows:


- Max artillery range is set to 4. Note that if you aren’t using scient’s patch to the terranx.exe file, that only the AI will be able to bombard from 4 tiles away.
- Max airdrop = 6 tiles.
- Base defense has been increased to 40%


- Ocean squares give a 1,1,1: rationale for this is that the AIs typically do a poor job of base placement. By having ocean squares produce a 1/1/1, this then helps compensate the AIs for this. This change also makes aquatically oriented factions much more viable.
- Monoliths give 2/3/2.
- Borehole squares give a -2 nutrients (note that if you are not using scient’s patch to the terranx.exe file you won’t see this effect).


- Needlejet and copters now move 6 squares: since the AIs generally don’t handle units based on these chassis well, then this is to the AIs advantage.

- Copters now move 4 squares.


- most weapon values have been reduced by one. See the datalinks for exact values.


- most defensive values have been increased by one.


- Cloaking ability has been moved to Planetary Networks. This is for aesthetics purposes for this scenario.


- There are 44 units spread throughout the tech tree. For the most part these units have been vetted, specifically the Aircraft Carriers, Probe ships, and Attack Submarines.

- You will now have to prototype your first crawler.

- All NL units replaced with Sentinel units.


- Virtual World: moved to Social Psych. Trying to water down the beeline to Industrial Auto.

- all factions have been modified to +1 Planet

I am sitting in the Alpha Centauri folder at 'poly in another tab right now. There's a post from the 25th displaying. I can't get any of the threads I've tried to open, and I can't go up to the root directory, but the three subforums open, and so does the Other Games level. Haven't tested anything else but CTP2, but it opened.
So, good news.
Just to give a status update on this project: the first scenario is complete and is currently planned to be released on October 4th. The next scenario for this project has been kicked off and I've finished the first edit of the map, and am currently writing the draft for the backstory.

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