
That awkward pause/uncomfortable moment when you realize your Permanent Alliance partner just started going for a cultural victory.

Spoiler :

80% culture slider. :cry:

You've betrayed me for the last time Mansa Musa!
The hell, some cultural victory <1000 AD by the AI. Am I seeing right?

You should have stolen all his gold in the "That might be of use" option. It is possible to steal all the gold from Mansa and make him bankrupt (no more slider). Next time, do that. Of course, that's a shame you can't use his multipliers by doing that.
You should have seen this coming when he wasn't contributing at all technologically-wise.
Hah! I took 100GPT from Mansa but any more than that and he dropped below 70% research. I wonder if I can make him go back to doing research hmmm. If not, then maybe try to take all his GPT.
Usually, a good war can force the AI to stop a little their plans of culture...for a moment. But that would force you into a war that might make you lose good trade partner or corporation resources...if you are under corp economy.
Forcing PA ais into some tech paths can push them on culture mode. You can see the details in the previous OCC culture gauntlets, although admittedly it is not an exact science.
Other than terra the only map I can think of that would work is garbage & small (aka Big & small)...not sure on the typical mining resource distribution on that one though.

Rainforest is too slow to develop IMO. Unless something is larger/has more easily developed land than Terra and is legal (unlike, say, arboria :p) I'd say Terra. Aren't most records on that anyway?
How many hammers are whipped citizens worth on Mara? I'm a total noob at Mara.
Thanks, Tachy. Started a couple of games to get a feel for it. This speed blows my mind:crazyeye:
I opened an 8 Mansa game and worldbuildered myself some nukes and let fly to get the taste of betrayal out of my mouth.

Tried again with Terra and corporations. It went really well with "no vassals" that prevented tons of colonies from being formed and slowing down the Deity AI. :)
Stealing workers from DeGaulle with agressive AI was the key to my victory (thanks Kaitzilla!)

Didn't really use the 6 strength UU.

Map Terra ( the new land is a great unoccupied landmass for you to exploit before the AI get there)

early workers translated into a competitive early game (managed to get a Civil Service slingshot!) and then profitably traded with AI in an almost entirely Buddhist world (except Gandhi).

Got to riflery well before the AI and drafted a protective rifle army. Took out Gandhi and got declared on by Mansa when he took him as a vassal. Wiped out Gandhi entirely, and took Mansa key cities and then Mansa as a vassal. Used drafted rifles to take all of the barbarian cities of the new world. Lincoln peace vassaled to me as well.

2 vassals really helped out with my tech pace.

Used State Property instead of corporations (never got a great engineer), helped a lot by eliminating the colonial costs and I thought corporations are a bit expensive on deity.
What did you expect? It's Bryan. BTW, nice challenger #6. Mine is underwhelming coz of Brennus sempiternally refusing to kneel...
C'mon guys! I was expecting to lose my 1390AD Inca spot.

Then I'd have some incentive to try to break 1000 AD with Inca, but I don't want to beat my own game.
People don't like wasting time on Marathon. Didn't know you were Ironhead....

Lastly, that's cheap to compare Inca to another civ.
Even if it is close, on marathon, communism believers can eat grass!

Spoiler :

I killed all AI's but one. Don't like companions...

Now remains the most boring challenger of this serie: an OCC.
I thought corporations are a bit expensive on deity

I never delved into this statement, but is it true the cost are different? How so?
Inflation is faster? Bigger ceiling for corp. cost? Not sure...
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