Change to Barbarians

Civ Chemist

Jun 9, 2019
We have all seen that barbarians are way more aggressive since the June patch (apparently was bugged before). But I was wondering if there has been changes to how barbs spawn. The way it used to work was that once a scout discovers a civ/city states and reports back to the camp new units will spawn. But now I have seen multiple times units spawning even if the scout has been defeated or is just wandering around somewhere on the map and is nowhere near the camp. Is this a bug or is there now a timer that units will spawn after a certain number of turns even if the scout has not returned?
I'm having the same experience. Once the scout has spotted me, if I can see the camp he is coming from (because one of my units is there for example), they will start spawning no matter what the scout do. I think is a bug, but not sure.
This is a long existing bug (or was it intended?)
Barbs spawning despite killing the scout. Or before the scout reports back.
Also barb scouts having omniscience... Knowing exactly when and where your trader is despite the fact that they shouldn't have any vision that would give them that info.
Not sure it is a bug. I have identified barb camps spawning without scout for a long time, it just does not seem to have a high trigger rate and it seems based on global.xml that destroying units lowers this.
But yes, I guess lately in an anecdotal way maybe 1 game in 4 there appears to be a self spawn happen so maybe they up the chance?
I cannot remember the exact figures but looking at the logs 1 barb camp was spawning each turn for 28 turns at the start of the game but then peters off dramatically.
Need to look at it a lot more but barbs is one of those tricky areas where if you can see them they stop spawning so have to rely on log information a lot of which there is not a lot.
Does game speed affect how fast or slow they spawn? because I play slower speeds, and my combat graphs lately look as if I were at war since turn 5 till the map is filled with cities or troops to clear the fog.
There has to be something wrong or a bit too optimistically tuned, because all games start the same, and its honestly quite stressing.
-Move warrior 2 tiles, scout appears
-Chase scout, reveal camp in turn 6-7
-Turn 10, my capital still hasnt grown to 2 pop, and they ring the bells to warn about the incoming raid.
Which means, almost zero exploration for the first about hundred turns, because scouts are constantly ambushed by new camps. So no goody huts, no CS, improvements make little sense as they will be instapillaged by the red swarm
Any recommended mod for slowing down research for a slower transition between eras? Its the main reason I play slower speeds, but turtling the first half of every game is starting to get a bit tedious.
As a side note, this barb behaviour, is absolutely OP if you are Gorgo. You absolutely FLY through the civics tree.
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No, meaning barbs are a pain on slower and you barely notice on online.
Xp is half on slower speeds and so you need more of em but good point on Gorgo.
Thanks for the reply. Damn, its a pity then, I really enjoy slower games, everything transitions too fast for my taste from standard and upwards. Ill have to look for one of those mods.
The comment about Gorgo was from my own personal experience from my last 2 games. First myself as greece, and second as a near neighbor. Playing as her allowed me to keep up much, much more easier than for example, Gilgamesh, warcarts, ziggurats and all.
Playing against her, whoah. Take a look at this screenshot. Those numbers by T120 are not reachable even by Seondeok in my plays. As a consecuence, those relatively small cities are putting so much loyalty pressure (golden vs normal age too) that Mbanza Kongo is flipping every 5 turns. Quite amazing how a seemingly small bonus can have such a huge impact if you change just one variable. I have t80,90,100,110 & 120 saves of the game in case anyone wants to try. Barbarians are like the Jehova witnesses, they never let you alone.
And all she had done by then was clear barb camps and take one city. (YAY I managed to put the media in spoiler tags! thanks Victoria)


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