Cheat: Can build Colossus without forge.


Jun 17, 2003
After I get metal casting, I enter the city screen on a costal city.
The option to build a forge is available (bright).
The option to build the Colossus is not available (dim).
I begin building a forge.
The option to build the Colossus then becomes available (bright).
I select the Colossus WHILE PRESSING CONTROL, the city begins building the Colossus as the first item in its que.
I then delete the forge from the que, but the Colossus remains in the que.

Is this a bug? Or am I misunderstanding what's happening?
I haven't seen it mentioned by anyone else.
You don't write you finished the colossus. Maybe he throws you out next turn ...
Same thing you get with forbidden palace/ courthouse and other combinations.

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