Cheat Codes

World builder won't allow you to cheat (or even to edit a game in progress).

That's what Tuner is for! :D

* Note: Tuner comes with the SDK, so not released yet. And you can manipulate ANYTHING with the Tuner, even run Lua commands in a console to impact the game in progress. ;)

How do youa ccess the tuner mentioned?
There is a +1 trainer out there made by me. I'll add more options eventually but as I cant unlock my game I decided to do turns only. I'm sure you can find it if you either google my name or just try and find more info on me :)

*warning* this trainer is NOT used for any kind of piracy or circumvention. If you pirate this game you suck, pure and simple.
thanks Uncle Mart, i'm dying to figure out how to edit gold, I just need one lump sum and I can save my game
Hi all,

I have seen a few posts on here asking about cheats without any viable solutions provided for the short term. Tinkering around in the XML files, I found a few things I figured I would share that will allow you to modify your start conditions to give you an edge in new games that should satisfy your short term cheating needs.

** Please don't bother giving a sermon on cheating (you know who you are). We bought the game with our own money and this is meant for SP only so if you don't like me helping others cheat in SP then you can sit and spin on a splintered fence post.

Modify your starting techs:
1) Open (on Win7) c:\Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ civ 5 \ Assets \ Gameplay \ XML \ Civilizations \ CIV5Civilizations.XML
2) Do a search for "<Civilization_FreeTechs>"
3) Under there you should see <ROW> entries that specify a civ and free tech

For example, I added a few new ones for the Americans:
" <Civilization_FreeTechs>

Modify your starting units:
1) Open (on Win7) c:\Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ civ 5 \ Assets \ Gameplay \ XML \ Civilizations \ CIV5Civilizations.XML
2) Do a search for "<Civilization_FreeUnits>"
3) Under there you should see <ROW> entries that specify a civ, unit type, number of units, AI behavior

For example, if you wanted to have 2 settlers instead of one for the Americans:
" <Row>

Modify your starting gold:
1) Open (on Win7) c:\Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ civ 5 \ Assets \ Gameplay \ XML \ GameInfo \ CIV5HandicapInfos.XML
2) Under there you should see <ROW> entries that specify a number of difficulty level values but more specifically a <Gold> value. Set this to what you want for your chosen difficulty.

For example, if you want to start with 2000 gold:
" <Row>

That is it. There are alot of other values you can mess about with, but that is a starting point. Usually wouldnt bother but I was kinda shocked no one had mentioned this yet (that I saw) for those who want to tip the scales unfairly in their favor.

Happy cheating.

Shout out to monkey
You can't debug mode is pretty much broken, for a bit i had it placing units that I could control. However after that, all units default to AI. Sigh.

Also the way civ5 does gold, is kinda tricky to trackdown with tsearch, i know the following:

At the start of the game gold is stored as a 8bit integer, where the value stored in memory is: x*100. So if we have 20 gold, the value in memory shows up as 20000. After the first couple of turns however the system changes, and i cannot find it at all anymore.


I managed to cheat my self 20,000 gold, at the start anything after i cant find the proper offset.

did u mean x*1000 in the beginning? however i'm now at turn 66 in my game and i just found my money with cheat engine, it's actually x*100 in if you really meant 100 in your post, than obviously the system remains the same.
did u mean x*1000 in the beginning? however i'm now at turn 66 in my game and i just found my money with cheat engine, it's actually x*100 in if you really meant 100 in your post, than obviously the system remains the same.

Wait where did you find it? You used cheat engine? Whats that? Can I download it for free?
I spent several days researching the use of artmoney with my civ games.
Download from a google search.
So far, I've been unable to find the value that allows you to get extra gold.
However, you can get add nearly unlimited culture points and golden age points if you're persistent.
Read the tutorials online.
Then use it like this:
Open up active game.
Open artmoney and select the game
"Search" for your current value of culture or golden age points (gap).
Go back into your game and Hit next turn.
Next turn, "filter" with your new culture/gap value.
Go back into your game and hit next turn.
You need to keep doing this until your filter list is down to 1-4 4-integer matching values.
Then overwrite the cutlure/gap points with your desired value (ex. 6000 culture pts).
Then click on the box to the left.
Hit next turn in the game.
The next turn, 6000 should appear in your culture screen.

I find artmoney works best with numbers over 100. so if you have a 10 culture points, it may not work. If you have over 30, it's much easier to filter.

I wait until I have over 40 culture/gap points, then start filtering.
It's hard to get below 5 4-integer filter values.
I've found (so far) it doesn't hurt anything to replace several of the 4-int filter values with your "6000" and click to the left of each box.

Once you isolate the correct 4-integer value, you can leave artmoney open for the rest of your game session and keep adding culture points as you feel it's fair or judicious.

Please do me a favor:
Protest vigorously about the quality of the battle mechanics in this game. There is a lot of potential here if the developers would spend a little time. Only our feedback can push this.

If you're fed up and want some really strategic warfare, you can go back to Total War, where artmoney works very well. Total war, however, the politics are already fixed and diplomacy is pretty awful.

If you have question, I may not be back for a week or two.
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