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Children of the Emperor – Life and Death amidst the Clans of Japan

My friends, great tragedy has befallen our city. Both daimyo's Double Stack and chgrogers have been slain, purely due to the office they held. My first order as daimyo of this great city will be to have their names added to the Osaka Memorial Monument.
In addition word has come to me of an attempt on the life of daimyo grzybek of Kagoshima by a Gaiko assassin. From this and the first attempt on daimyo Double Stack's life it has become apparent that the Gaiko, quite contrary to their stated intentions of "peaceful negotiation", have taken up the way of the blade. A method of politics we thought had been laid to rest long ago and which the Bunka have ceased to practice is once more rearing it's ugly head. This must be stamped out which is why my second order will be to open an investigation into the deaths of daimyos Double Stack and chgrogers. Daimyo Jehoshua of Kyoto claims to have information relating to the latest murder, I have sent messengers requesting the information so the investigation can be brought to a quick and final conclusion.

-Inauguration speech of daimyo A.Z. Mov of Osaka, as reported in the Osaka Herald
Votes of daimyo A.Z. Mov and senseis filli_noctus and Hine Lin
Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?
207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?

Votes of daimyo A.Z. Mov and sensei Hine Lin
Osaka 207 Council Votes
207-Osaka-1 Add a great wonder to the production queue?
Do not add a wonder

207-Osaka-2 Add to the production queue after wonder vote?

Build University

207-Osaka-3 Have Rodosha Shujin build improvements?

Build trading post on Jungle then Build Trading Post on Grassland

207-Osaka-4 Units orders for Kishi Ne, Kishi Ransu and Shasu Hanewa

207-OL-5: Kishi Ne (the Knight on the Goldmine)
Patrol Common border of Osaka and Americans to keep tabs on troops movements. In the event of war, Withdraw to defend Osaka.

207-OL-6: Kishi Ransu (the Knight 1 tile E of the City)
Maintain Current Orders

207-OL-7: Shasu Hanewa
Move to Goldmine upon completion of Crossbowman. Crossbowman garrisons Osaka.
votes for Treon and Chieron Andra:

Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?

207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?
Great and magnificent Oni, it appears that due to the heavy load that overseeing the great Empire places upon you you have overlooked a small part of an option for vote 207-OL-7: Shasu Hanewa. The option to move the Shasu should have had the second sentence "Crossbow garrisons Osaka."
This has been reflected in the votes for A.Z. Mov and Hine Lin, I beg of you to rectify this in memory of the late daimyo chgrogers, for whom it was the last vote he called for relating to the city he loved.
To Daimyo A. Z. Mov and the Kagaku of Osaka


Our information suggests the most likely, and only reasonable party to the assasination of Daimyo Chgrogers was Kagaku extremists within your own current jurisdiction. Naturally we do not know if you personally were involved and do not judge your guilt in this matter without the due evidence. But naturally this violent and barbaric act severely damages relations between our two clans.

However putting the current events aside it is important for you to know that Daimyo Chgrogers indeed had no part in the assasination of Daimyo Double Stack. I guarantee on my honour that Chgrogers himself swore his innocence in the matter to me. As to the ones actually responsible information from our intelligence agency suggests that after Tokugawas failed attempt a second assasination in an extremely unlikely set of circumstances succeeded on the part of those responsible. The detail will be sent to you in a more secure manner than this open letter considering the political sensitivity of the information.

I wish you a good reign Daimyo A. Z. Mov, the Bunka shall be watching you and your successors with great interest.



Daimyo Jehoshua of Kyoto.
please sign tomplum68 back up
What happened to Osaka's water mill? It was three turns from completion on turn 185 and now we need to build it from scratch and it'll take 7.
Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?


207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?

Votes for LukasLeftPeg and CrouchiesNut :

Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?


207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?
The JJ Brothers vote:

207-S-1: What shall we research?
207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?
What happened to Osaka's water mill? It was three turns from completion on turn 185 and now we need to build it from scratch and it'll take 7.

I believe its built but it not shown on the city screen because its the last building (ABC order). Also, the spreadsheet is not accurate for all buildings in the city. I am confident that its already built before my assassination.
First of all my condolences to Daimyo chgrogers and his family, it seemed he was going to be a good, active daimyo.
Secondly, my apology to Daimyo grzybek. I do not approve of Tomplum68's assassination attempt and his actions do not represent the Gaiko clan.
Finally, here are my votes:
Acalan and Ryuu votes:

Scientific Influence Votes

207-S-1: What shall we research?

207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?

207-KL-1: What shall we add to the building queue of Kyoto after the Sistine Chapel?
Notre Dame

207-KL-2: What shall we do with the impending Great Engineer
Gift to Osaka

207-KL-3: Which city shall we gift Rodosha Betsubetsu to?
Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?

207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?

Osaka 207 Council Votes
207-Osaka-1 Add a great wonder to the production queue?
Do not add a wonder

207-Osaka-2 Add to the production queue after wonder vote?


207-Osaka-3 Have Rodosha Shujin build improvements?
Build trading post on Jungle then Build Trading Post on Grassland

207-Osaka-4 Units orders for Kishi Ne, Kishi Ransu and Shasu Hanewa

207-OL-5: Kishi Ne (the Knight on the Goldmine)
Patrol common border of Osaka and Americans to keep tabs on troops' movements. In the event of war, withdraw to defend Osaka.

207-OL-6: Kishi Ransu (the Knight 1 tile E of the City)
Maintain current orders

207-OL-7: Shasu Hanewa
Move to Gold mine upon completion of Crossbowman. Crossbowman garrisons Osaka.
Votes for Roy and Roger

Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?

207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?

Osaka 207 Council Votes
207-Osaka-1 Add a great wonder to the production queue?
Do not add a wonder

207-Osaka-2 Add to the production queue after wonder vote?

207-Osaka-3 Have Rodosha Shujin build improvements?
Build trading post on Jungle then Build Trading Post on Grassland

207-Osaka-4 Units orders for Kishi Ne, Kishi Ransu and Shasu Hanewa

207-OL-5: Kishi Ne (the Knight on the Goldmine)
Patrol common border of Osaka and Americans to keep tabs on troops' movements. In the event of war, withdraw to defend Osaka.

207-OL-6: Kishi Ransu (the Knight 1 tile E of the City)
Patrol Ragusa/American Borders american troops movements. Intentionally Sit between American Melee units and Ragusa when possible. In the event of war, Withdraw to Osaka and defend Osaka.

207-OL-7: Shasu Hanewa
Move to Gold mine upon completion of Crossbowman. Crossbowman garrisons Osaka.
Votes for all Characters:
Scientific Influence Votes
207-S-1: What shall we research?

207-S-2 Denounce the Americans for their war against the Arabians?

PlyPlay665's Votes:
207-KL-1: What shall we add to the building queue of Kyoto after the Sistine Chapel?

207-KL-2: What shall we do with the impending Great Engineer
Gift to Osaka

207-KL-3: Which city shall we gift Rodosha Betsubetsu too?

Spoiler :
lol, look at me, always going against popular opinion.
Its always amusing to watch defiance in the vote on local matters when I hold 53% of local influence and can thus execute my will unquestioned as supreme autocrat and Daimyo of all Kyoto. :p


Now that I think about it as well, I am effectively the most powerful person in the empire (after the ineffable oni ofc) with my iron grip on Cultural matters (27%) and primacy in matters military (12%) and scientific (15%). Unfortunately economics isn't my strong point and I am only second to highest in matters financial with the emminent Daimyo Treon of Tokyo holding that honour.
A national statement from sensei filli_noctus of Kagoshima

During my recent absence I have been collating a great deal of information for the Enyclopedia Nipponica. This information has now been added and the latest edition of the Encyclopedia is available at your local library. My apologies to the citizens of Satsuma who will need to find someone in Osaka or Kyoto to read it to them.
I would like to sign up as Deamonpies,

I don't mind which clan, so whoever needs or even wants me :)

Also that clan can suggest names for my other two characters as i'm not very imaginative,
I would like to sign up as Deamonpies,

I don't mind which clan, so whoever needs or even wants me :)

Also that clan can suggest names for my other two characters as i'm not very imaginative,

The Shihai are most in need of another player.
Plus you can continue Pieman's baking theme
perhaps considering the current predominance of Gaiko, new players henceforth could be placed in the clan most in need of members. Should there be two clans of equal membership at the bottom then perhaps a Random number generator toss to pick a clan for the postulant would work.

Either way it sort of destroys game balance if one clan or another is overly dominant so perhaps until a reasonable demographic balance is restored such a scheme could be implemented by the oni.


Welcome to CoE demonpies, may you forever grovel in awe and submission before the glorious Bunka.:p
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