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Choosing your civilization: random civ selected, only user name typed: "Random civ"


Mar 31, 2008
When you go to advanced set up, you can edit the name of your civilization and etc.

I had my civilization choice as random, so i clicked on edit to input my username to be the leader name for my civ. I left the other stuff on random, so that i would be schuesseled of china or america or whatever.

Game, starts, i am iroqouis, but because i choose a custom name for my leader, the game has decided that i must have chosen a custom name for the other stuff, which i didn't, so i am now called in the game:

Schuesseled of Random Civilization.

My archer is called:

Archer of Random Civilization.


Small humourous bug.
I've noticed that even when you input a custom leader name (I tend to name my leaders "leader I", "leader II" on successive games), that custom name does not show up correctly on the load/intro screen.
Not quite sure what gives here but I am the leader of a Random Civilization!

I started a game with a random pick of civilization and edited the player name (instead of Random Leader I put in my name, left other stuff as is).
The game assigned me Germany. But in the game we are not know as germany, we are The Random Civilization.
Tile owned by random civilization and such...

is this a bug? I think so:crazyeye:
If you chose random civ and edit the leader's name your in game civ will be named random empire regardless of the civ you get.

Moderator Action: Threads merged. The_J
When you go to advanced set up, you can edit the name of your civilization and etc.

I had my civilization choice as random, so i clicked on edit to input my username to be the leader name for my civ. I left the other stuff on random, so that i would be schuesseled of china or america or whatever.

Schuesseled of Random Civilization.

My archer is called:

Archer of Random Civilization.


Small humourous bug.

We are not amused.

Victoria, Queen of the Random Empire.

PS: seriously, gonna restart a new game. I hope I can revisit and rename the Random Empire in future, post patch.
When is this going to be fixed? It was non-existant at release, then after the first couple of major patches it was introduced, it was said to be fixed in a hotfix shortly after, but it still to this day is not fixed..

In short, if you edit your ruler or civ name and start a game, everything you own ingame will be called "Player 1's".

Any fix at all for this?
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