Chris Matthews Lectures Ben Carson About the Pyramids

Oh, Mr. Mise. Excellent question.

You see, this is merely ceremonial burial. Once the kings became old and frail/young and unnecessary, they were dipped into their grand granaries, until they suffocate. Coincidentally enough, the grains provided excellent mummification due to the lack of air and relatively low humidity. So once the grains were over, clever people could bury them in secretive holes, in ornately decorated niches, where they could begin their travels to the faraway and distant afterlife.
Perhaps our great lizard overlords are in a critical need of amusement before they crack up the egg that the Earth truly is?
Is Ben Carson the stupidest person in America, or is he just putting on a show to attract the votes of people who are stupid enough to believe stuff like this?

I think he might legit be autistic. Like, savant level. By all accounts he was a very skilled and brilliant neurosurgeon, but to then turn around and be so utterly wrong about every other form of science is completely mind boggling. The only other option is, as you allude to, that he's lying about all of this stuff hoping that the Christian fundie vote can carry him somewhere, but considering the magnitude of his ignorance that seems unlikely.
Hey, if Herman Cain can get his tax plan from Sim City, why can't Ben Carson get his history from Civ III?
By all accounts he was a very skilled and brilliant neurosurgeon, but to then turn around and be so utterly wrong about every other form of science is completely mind boggling

Hmmm maybe starting in grade 1 he was homeschooled in neurosurgery and nothing else on purpose. So he's a neurosurgery jedi but he doesn't know anything about anything else outside of that field.

I guess obviously he had to spend time learning English, unless that is an act too and he's just memorizing phrases and saying them back to the camera on cue.
History ain't brain surgery, so doctor Ben doesn't know anything about it.
Pretty sure the internal space of the Pyramids had very little internal space because the Egyptians did not yet invent roof architecture. Kinda insane when you think about the amount of manpower and resources that went into the Pyramids if it was meant to store such a small amount of grain.

WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign on Friday acknowledged he never applied nor was accepted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point - a tale he included in his autobiography and that he has repeated since then, POLITICO reported on Friday.

Carson's campaign said the account of receiving a scholarship offer from the prestigious military school was a fabrication. The details of a scholarship were included in Carson's account of a meeting with General William Westmoreland in 1969 when Carson was a high school student in the ROTC program, which provides preliminary military training for students interested in becoming officers.

"He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC supervisors," campaign manager Barry Bennett told POLITICO in an email. "They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission."

The revelation came only hours after Carson attacked the media for what he called a "bunch of lies" as he faced questions on Friday about his accounts of his violent past.

Carson, who is popular with evangelical voters, often speaks on the campaign trail about his flashes of violence during his youth, casting the lessons he learned from that period as evidence he has the strength of character to be president.

Rival Donald Trump, who Carson is neck-and-neck with for the top spot in the Republican presidential primary polls, quickly took to Twitter to attack the retired neurosurgeon.

"WOW, one of many lies by Ben Carson! Big story," Trump wrote and included a link to the article in which Carson's campaign acknowledged the fabrication.
WOW! The top Republican candidate is a gossip mongering social media maven indistinguishable from a Kardashian! Big story!

Will someone please stick a fork in both these guys?
I haven't been paying that much attention to the Republican clown show, is Carson seriously neck and neck with Trump for the top spot? If these two are really the front runners the party is in worse shape than I thought. I tried to cut them some slack for Trump... the man is an idiot but he's at least different in a lot of fundamental ways to the other candidates, and that's bound to appeal to a significant number of people. But if Carson is really the other front runner then this party is BONED.
This is why primaries are a marathon, not a sprint. The West Point stuff and the hit on his popularity stemming from revelations that maybe he did not try to murder someone signal the end of his run, to me. (I don't think the pyramid thing mattered to his supporters, honestly.)

One down, several more to go.
A politician was found to secretly be a liar, hypocrite or otherwise two-faced?! Whatever next?
Why did they change it to you could use every government civic in the later versions?

Perhaps because you have Stonehenge giving you the (much more useful, I think) free monument - although I never understood why building a monument to an almighty god-king gave you the power to institute the world's first universal democracy.
The grain thing was only Civ 3 I think. In Civ 1 and 2 it unlocked all governments, similar to 4 but more powerful. Civ 3 is the outlier.
I respected medical doctors until I spent a year working with them.

:lol: I know what you mean.

I had two different pool service businesses in my life. Any time I had a doctor for a client I could count on them to take me aside and give me business advice. Ever been to a doctor's office and left saying "they have such great customer service I want to come back even when I'm not sick"? How do you think the average doctor would do if they had to sell something a little less obviously desirable than "life itself"? The biggest challenge of having them for clients was not laughing in their faces when they reached the inevitable point where they liked me enough to take their valuable time "helping me out."
I respected medical doctors until I spent a year working with them.

Doctors do deserve respect. This should not be misconstrued as saying they are all geniuses though. The thing about being a doctor, especially something like a neurosurgeon, is that it's not as much about intelligence (although there is a lower limit beyond which it won't be doable) but about dedication. It's about being willing to go through 12 years of schooling and training before you even really start your career. It's about being willing to work long unpaid overtime even when your schooling is done keeping up with the literature of your field. Being a doctor is a LOT of work, you don't have to be a genius to do it but you do have to be damned dedicated.
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