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Chrono Cross


Mar 26, 2001
Montreal, Canada
I just rented this RPG for 2 days and I couldn't stop playing it. This is sure a heck of a RPG, and I think it is very near to the Final Fantasy series in terms of music, graphics, storyline, etc.
What I would've like to see are those dual and triple tech we used in Chrono Trigger, they aren't there in CC...
To those who have a PSX and didn't play Chrono Cross and enjoy RPGs, I think you would like it.
Yea I have that game too and it is Great!

my words of wisdom

1.Square meals often make round people.
2.You Cant Argue With Stupitity!
3.an Eye for and Eye(and while your at it take 2)
Originally posted by CoolUserName:
I just rented this RPG for 2 days and I couldn't stop playing it. This is sure a heck of a RPG, and I think it is very near to the Final Fantasy series in terms of music, graphics, storyline, etc.
You can NOT compare Crono Cross and Final Fantasy because the fighting systems are not even in the same ballpark!
there are soo many Diffs bettween CC and FF its not even funny!

Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!
I will Create A monument to nothingness!
i´ve never played chrono cross but i´ve played chrono trigger. is cc a sequel to ct?
yes CC is the sequel to CT if I recall they even make a few refrences to CT in CC!
oh sorry Im not yelling I acidently left my caps on and I am too lazy to rewrite it! izzy:

Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!
I will Create A monument to nothingness!
Yea there are MANY people that can join you but the only problem is that there is not really anything special about any of them!
you just end up in the end taking the hardest hitting people and using them though the whole game!
My group usally ends up being Serge, ZOAH and ,Viper because Viper and ZOAH hit the harder than most people and you can't take Serge out of the party.(unless you get a certain special Item ) and when I can take Serge out of the party I get Pip, that little evolving monster. he sucks but he looks cool!

<IMG SRC="http://www.grworld.com/vanillacubesgames/files/kefka.gif" border=0>"Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!"
"I will Create A monument to nothingness!"

[This message has been edited by Kefka (edited June 25, 2001).]
Have you ever beaten it and then started over again with higher levels!
because the second and third and forth times it get really easy especaly when you can kill most of the bosses like they were normal enemys!

<IMG SRC="http://www.grworld.com/vanillacubesgames/files/kefka.gif" border=0>"Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!"
"I will Create A monument to nothingness!"
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