Chuck Norris Facts

Chuck Norris once played a duel map on "Chuck" difficulty against himself. The computer instantly collapsed on itself creating a black hole. Upon escaping from the event horizon, Chuck found that he had won a time victory, and that the AI Chuck was nowhere to be found, since only one of him can exist at any given time.
- Once, Chuck Norris decided to play a 18-human-players hotseat game alone. That was the most incredible match ever on Civ4. Sadly, anyone couldn't see it because all spectators' brains blew up due to the epicness of the game.

P.S.: Whoops! Maybe this is very similar to GreatLordOfPie's post. I'm sorry. :(
Chuck Norris was once seen holding a spear. No Tanks were available for comment.
Chuck Norris is so religion crazy that Isabella took one look at him and converted to atheism in disgust.
Chuck Norris has negative city maintenance.
Chuck Norris won Domination on GEM in an OCC, with Always Peace and No Vassals.
As Inca on Earth 18 Chuck Norris warrior rushes europe.
You need to build the total gym wonder in your capital to make chuck norris invincibile!

You don't need to have anything to make Chuck Norris invincible. He ALREADY IS!:)
We check the surrounding land for aggressive neighbors. The aggressive neighbors check for Chuck Norris.
When Chuck Norris plays multiplayer he never uses his settler to settle a city. Yet he still wins easely.

When Chuck Norris plays Civilization IV, events happens simultaneous in real life.

The title : Beyond the Sword is an (obvious) tribute to Chuck Norris.

Originally the last Future tech was supposed to be called Chuck Norris, but since Chuck Norris both created the universe AND controls the future, us mortals playing civ wouldnt understand the infinite perspective such knowledge would grant us, and our brains would implode.
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