Church property bug?


Mar 5, 2014
Hey I have 7 cities now follwong my religion but 0 religious income. I wonder if there is something I dont know or if this is a bug.

I have steam version of CIV 5 complete, CP mod, RED unit pack, perfect world 3 and info addict mod. Any ideas?
Sorry, werent specific enough, gold. Church property is supposed to give +2 gold for each city follwing the religion. I have 7 following (3 foreign) cities and 0 gold from that
Sorry, werent specific enough, gold. Church property is supposed to give +2 gold for each city follwing the religion. I have 7 following (3 foreign) cities and 0 gold from that

Each Church gives 2 culture and makes your missionaries stronger.
Each Cathedral gives 2 gold + additional gold for farms, pastures and quarries.

If you're building churches in your cities then you won't receive extra money.

Tithe as your Enhancer belief will give you +1 gold and +1 faith for every 8 followers in foreign cities. Is that what you meant?
Each Church gives 2 culture and makes your missionaries stronger.
Each Cathedral gives 2 gold + additional gold for farms, pastures and quarries.

If you're building churches in your cities then you won't receive extra money.

Tithe as your Enhancer belief will give you +1 gold and +1 faith for every 8 followers in foreign cities. Is that what you meant?

I mean church property as in founder's belief, does it work as it says in the game (+2 gold for every following city as it says in description) or CP has different rules? sorry if I sound confusing
I mean church property as in founder's belief, does it work as it says in the game (+2 gold for every following city as it says in description) or CP has different rules? sorry if I sound confusing

Church Property was a Founder's Belief in the original version of Civ 5, but it's not in Vox Populi. This is the Vox Populi forum which is why I got confused.
Church Property was a Founder's Belief in the original version of Civ 5, but it's not in Vox Populi. This is the Vox Populi forum which is why I got confused.

Could youplease clarify to me then if CP = VP? I seen both names appearing everywhere and I am a bit confused, as this is for example CP section of the forum, and I am pretty sure that I downloaed a CP mod too.

If above is true then what are the perks of church property? is it a bug that the actuall perks are not visible but the CIV 5 original ones are instead?
Could youplease clarify to me then if CP = VP? I seen both names appearing everywhere and I am a bit confused, as this is for example CP section of the forum, and I am pretty sure that I downloaed a CP mod too.

If above is true then what are the perks of church property? is it a bug that the actuall perks are not visible but the CIV 5 original ones are instead?

OK, You're in the right place. Community Patch (CP) has bug fixes and is included in Vox Populi (VP) but you don't need to play VP to use CP.

However, the bug you're discussing is from the original game. Which other mods do you use? That Founder's Belief usually works correctly in the original version of the game. Either it's a bug in the original game that occurs in rare circumstances or a mod conflict.

If you think CP is causing the error then you can post a bug report on GitHub. There are stickied articles in the main CP forum.
I see , thats clear now, next time I will try the VP then. The only other mods I have is RED unit pack, info addict and perfect world 3 mod, so I went to CP as non of the other ones should change any files related to religion.
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