city names in editor


Dec 3, 2002
I'm in the process of adding in lists of city names for all my civs in my personal mod. Two nations ended up with the same city name and I left it that way to see what would happen. While playtesting I noticed the 1st civ used the city name and then when the 2nd civ came across that same city name, it skipped it and went to the next name in its list. Is this all that will happen in this situation and therefore there is nothing to worry about, or is there some error that would eventually pop up?
It shouldn't result in any serious error. Only chance might be if they cycle through their city name list too often (E.G. both nation have only two city names on their lists), but this could easily be prevented by giving each nation a sufficient list of names.
Thanks for the info!:)
Just to be sure I went thru all the lists and attempted to eliminate all double(or triples) of any city names, and that was a long task. I had copied a lot of city lists from this site and also from other mods, in order to get each nation up to or over 60 city names apiece. That's when I realized an number of nations were sharing the same name. But it is fixed now. Thanks.
I have six civs with double citynames, as I have added the Byzantine cities to the end of the Ottoman cities, the French to the Celts and the Austrian to the German and vice versa.

As Samez has written, they just skip citynames allready in use.

On the other I have once build the celtic city of Paris in the middle of a game, as the french Paris was destroyed by a vulcano (and Joan was sulking in her capital Orleans ;) ).

It seems that the "National Conference for Citynames" recycles names of destroyed cities. ;)
Periodically, I will rename a city after it is founded to have the name better match the location, like having a Real World port city be a port rather than having something like St. Louis become a sea port. When you do that, the name is not used immediately, but cycles around.
Periodically, I will rename a city after it is founded to have the name better match the location, like having a Real World port city be a port rather than having something like St. Louis become a sea port. When you do that, the name is not used immediately, but cycles around.
would that mean you get St. Louis at the end when you run out of city names?
would that mean you get St. Louis at the end when you run out of city names?

That is correct. After going through the city list once, any city names that were replaced with other ones appear. Names that have already been used get the prefix of "New".

I should add that both Project Gutenberg and have quite useful atlases that can be downloaded, some of which cover the Ancient and Classical Period. These would be useful for city names for some of the earlier civilizations like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Egyptian, as well as helping out for Korea, India, Japan, and Russia.
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