City Placement/Settler Factory Management


Nov 8, 2005
I'm starting as the Ottomans[ science and industry ;D ]
I'm setting up my basic hybrid[builder/warmonger] base.
I have a settlers factory going but I'm curious?- How do you keep them from riots and such?

Hows this look? Circles are where I'm planning cities[ obviously ] ;) Advice is much appriciated.
101rstImperial said:
How do you keep them from riots and such?

Check happiness status every time your cities grow. If you have more unhappy than happy citizens a city will riot. Early:

* Hook up luxuries.
* Use (cheap) warriors for MP.
* Adjust the luxury slider (F1).
* A temple will make one citizen content (Don't build temples in the early expansion phase).


* Marketplace.
* Happiness wonders.
* Happiness buildings.

Your best investment is the marketplace as this city improvement will multiply the effects from your luxuries + increased revenue.
:bow: Much appriciated. I was more curious as to wether there was less well-known happiness tricks - and placement as thats my biggest problem since " circle " doesn't work in C3C
Less well-known happiness tricks? Dunno - war happiness maybe, but that's not unheard of here.
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