City tile control


Feb 17, 2011
Question: Can you still control which city has control of certain tiles?

Example: Kyoto and Tokyo are 5 tiles apart, and the middle tile (3rd tile from both cities) is under Kyoto.

Can I transfer its control to Tokyo?
What if Kyoto has a district there?
If I can transfer the district tile, will it be forbidden if Tokyo already has a district of the same type?
Afaik you can't transfer districts, but I don't know about tiles with wonders or improvements.
Afaik you can't transfer districts, but I don't know about tiles with wonders or improvements.

I don't think you could transfer Wonders wither. Improvements should be ok.
Good question.
The issues i see arising from transferring districts is that it would be the equivalent of being able to build two districts of the same type, allowing a city to benefit from two marketplaces, libraries etc. I somehow don't see that as an intended design, edit.... lol exactly as you posed..need to read more :/, considering District building yield apply to the City itself, i think that the answer is they dont share though.
The issue with wonders is that their bonuses are so diverse. They could be city centred or empire centred. You could share a yield based wonder without any serious side effects but a lot of them add specific bonuses to the empire itself.

As far as i know all district and wonder yields apply directly on the city centre, not the tile as opposed to Tile improvements which are worked and presumably shared. I would be very surprised if you could not share tile yields, same as usual.
I don't think you could transfer Wonders wither. Improvements should be ok.

I don't think that you could transfer wonders either, but as far as I remember there was only confirmation for districts. For wonder tiles it would be even more logical that you are not allowed to transfer, but we don't have a confirmation on that I thought.
By transfer, you mean change the worker on the tile to another city (by pressing the little switch circle)? If that is the case, then no you wouldn't because you can't work districts or wonders, so there would be no switch button. Later you can work districts with specialists, but my feeling is that you won't be able to switch those tiles at that point either.
By transfer, you mean change the worker on the tile to another city (by pressing the little switch circle)? If that is the case, then no you wouldn't because you can't work districts or wonders, so there would be no switch button. Later you can work districts with specialists, but my feeling is that you won't be able to switch those tiles at that point either.

Where is the little switch circle found? I have an empty field between two of my cities. I want to build a wonder on this tile but I need to switch the owner of that tile from one city to the other.
If the tile can be switched, you will see "Swap" on that tile when you open the citizen management screen for the city that you want to "own" taht tile.
Did someone else noticed bugs/mistakes in the city tiles control? What I mean is that, when one city get one tile 4 hex away of the city or more, it's its tile, even if a nearby city can work this tile you have to manually switch it, otherwise you will have a tile unworked because not tied to the nearest city. That's a minor problem, but there is an other one, you can't switch back or switch a tile 4 hex away of the city center, and this a problem when this tile( which is 4 hex away of two cities) is locked to one because it prevents you to build national parks (which have already weird placement requirement such as being oriented in a north-south axe). Does this bother someone else?
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