Civ 3 Editors.

Iron Clad

May 8, 2005
I don't know much about the programs that are out there for scenario making. All I have is Civ3edit. I downloaded a map, and I took a look at it in civ3edit. It already had some cities built. I want to know if I'm able to do this with the editor I have. I've looked at all the options in my editor but I can't seem to find an option where I can put Cities on a map. The wierd thing is, is that I could edit the city and do other stuff with it, when I opened the map, but when I open another map where the settings haven't been change, The option wasn't there anymore. I have the civilization Game of the year edition. Please Help
all questions are to go in the main creation and customisation forum. this sub-forum is for comleted files only. ask a moderator to move it.
Quinzy said:
all questions are to go in the main creation and customisation forum. this sub-forum is for comleted files only. ask a moderator to move it.

Ok, I just notified a moderator.
I don't know about the GOTY edition specifically, but in the Conquests editor, to add a city you:

1. Select the Active Player (shield icon button)
2. Press the "Select City" button (vague illustration of city)
3. Select city size from pop-up window
4. Move the cursor to the square you want it in and left-click your mouse
5. Right-click on the city itself to change properties (change pop size, add improvements, etc.)

Good Luck,

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