Civ 4 Release - JUNE 1 /2005

Mordack said:
I'd bet on 2006

Civ - 1991
Civ2 - 1996
Civ3 - 2001

get my drift.....

I would never ever trust patterns like that. They are almost never accurate. I still think that Civ IV will come out this year in the late fall.

CoolioVonHoolio said:
I don’t know why every ones all bummed its coming out early? That’s awesome!!! Even if it does have bugs, civ3 had bugs too! They’ll fix ‘em and come out with expansions and such.

My point: an premature civ4 is better than none

What do you mean by early? A late fall release is not exactly early, I think it is pretty normal actually.

And I’d really be pissed if the game came out much earlier and had so many bugs that it would be like playing a beta version. Nobody ever liked bugs and most people I know rather have the game delayed so bugs can be fixed. :)
What you've said really has a slacky nature to it if the developers really were to build the game like that. If they used that philosophy they wouldn't care for fans, or the bugs. Reminds me of EA, "get the game done ASAP! Screw the bugs! We’ll fix 'em la8r!”

*shivers at the thought*

asurania said:
i have to agree...and they will be probaly an expansiion pack or some patched which will come put earlier..but i have a ffeling ebgames release date is wrong..if not...i call in sick that day
Yeah, and I guess we should put it up as an announcment that it is indeed wrong. It just is. EB Games is trying to make money from Firaxis' game. Firaxis is trying to make the game. Which would you trust?
What do you mean by early? A late fall release is not exactly early, I think it is pretty normal actually.

And I’d really be pissed if the game came out much earlier and had so many bugs that it would be like playing a beta version. Nobody ever liked bugs and most people I know rather have the game delayed so bugs can be fixed.
What you've said really has a slacky nature to it if the developers really were to build the game like that. If they used that philosophy they wouldn't care for fans, or the bugs. Reminds me of EA, "get the game done ASAP! Screw the bugs! We’ll fix 'em la8r!”

*shivers at the thought*
you are right partially. in my opinion it is early, they said winter in game informer and now its june? thats cool. and bugs? for that matter, i dont want them but even if they did bring it out later there will still be bugs, there will always be bugs. im happy its coming out *earlier than said before*. I just hope its better than civ3.. ive seen screenshots of 4 and its not lookin too different
I wish it'd come on June 1. That's my birthday! :goodjob:

Of course, most other places say in the fall or winter, which is also good. I can get it for Christmas.
Brain said:
This is how software time estimation works in real life:

1. Boss asks developer for time estimate.
2. Developer feels overconfident and gives short time estimate. :)
3. Boss shortens by 20% and reports to marketing. :D
4. Marketing shortens by 30% and starts spreading rumors. :mischief:
5. Rumors exagerate release date by 50%. :eek:
6. Third parties pick up on the rumors, subtract another month or two, and cite an "official" release date. :crazyeye:
7. Developer curses himself for not tripling his time estimate as he ends up working overtime... on Sundays. :suicide:

Sigh! :shakehead

A hyper example of this "release date" phenomena lies in Duke Nukem Forever, which has been in development in one form or another for close to a decade now!

I heard the Queen had a mind to Knight the senior staff at 3D Realms, she said she'd do so "When its done" ;) .
CoolioVonHoolio said:
welcome to civfanatics 6193!
Thanks. Actually I've been going here ever since I got Civ3 several years ago, I just never made an account until now. ;)

Anyway, from what I see so far, I beleive Civ4 will come out in October at the earliest, at the latest, perhaps december. Firaxis says late 2005 or early 2006, but gamestop and many other videogame websites have an estimated release in october or so. Anyway, I definitely hope october. The sooner the better.
Lets Hope June 1, miniumum amont of bugs. :)
We can't really complain if we haven't played. Hey at least a demo before the release would make me happy camper
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