Civ 5 expansion and latter games = way less sales

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Civ 5's initial release reminds me a lot of Civ 3's. There are lot of similarities between the two. The way they have been received, the way multiplayer works, a lot. There is still hope they will fix this, with a few patchs, but more likely expansions.

I was thinking the same thing. It's as if Civ 5 is a sequel more to Civ 3 and Civ 4 was more of a sequel to Civ 2.
Never heard of 1up.

Is it like a blog where we can submit reviews?
I think this review does a fair job.

The whole "lush graphics", okay game play is the true travesty... they spent so much time on the art/graphics, and yet the game play is really not up to par.
Are you new to gaming? This is always, always the way it works.

Reviewers review the game as dispassionately as they can and analyze the strong and weak points, then give their opinion. Gamers hate change, can't remember most things beyond a few weeks ago, and the few things they do remember are so tinted with nostalgia as to be useless. And the "hardcore" gamers are the worst.

Also, a large proportion of the playerbase is not disappointed. A small and vocal proportion of gamers who go to internet forums dislike the game.

Civ V is a great game.

Right, we are all happily holding hands, enjoying the AI. WTF?:crazyeye:
Are you new to gaming? This is always, always the way it works.

Reviewers review the game as dispassionately as they can and analyze the strong and weak points, then give their opinion. Gamers hate change, can't remember most things beyond a few weeks ago, and the few things they do remember are so tinted with nostalgia as to be useless. And the "hardcore" gamers are the worst.

Also, a large proportion of the playerbase is not disappointed. A small and vocal proportion of gamers who go to internet forums dislike the game.

Civ V is a great game.

Pretty much this. The fact that apparently no one remembers that Civ IV was about as bug-filled and messy on release stands testament to this.

It's a good thing these customers are lost, because they're the ones that ultimately ruin series by demanding everything stay the exact same, because everything else is "dumbing it down".
Palfouri, it is never a good thing when a company loses long time customers.
Fine review, sums up my misgivings. In some places I feel he was almost being too kind - I think the diplomacy system is completely broken, for example. Yes, perhaps these things can be fixed up without a complete refactor. I certainly hope so, because otherwise I will soon be with the OP, right back to Civ4 (or Civ3 or SMAX, come to that). Still playing on for now, though.
A smart company would retain old customers and create new ones.

You are right that it is a numbers game, but we don't know what kind of effect 5 will have. Who knows where this franchise will be in the future.
A smart company would retain old customers and create new ones.

You are right that it is a numbers game, but we don't know what kind of effect 5 will have. Who knows where this franchise will be in the future.
Fact of the matter is this happens every time a new civ game is released. This is NOTHING NEW! It happened with Civ 4, it will happen with Civ 6. Alot of people will complain just to complain. Again thats nothing new, simple stupid human nature.
Ayt, while your right, loosing customers is rarely if ever a good thing, its still an inevitability with any sequal.

Civ fanatics (the gamers not this site) are the best asset game designers have, are the hardest crowd to please, and are the loudest and most viral as far as forums go. Pretty much everyone else is playing the game and not here waxing poetic like many of us are.

As far as I am concerned, Civ V Buggy, in need of patching and rebalancing, and desperately in search of good modders and an expansion pack coming to a theater near you....almost certainly.

But I certainly am not going back to the same old squares, pathetic diplomacy/vassal states, and stacks of doom anytime soon.

I have been playing since day one, but I am still just one old dude with an opinion though, and its not any more or less valid than yours. =)
Fact of the matter is this happens every time a new civ game is released. This is NOTHING NEW! It happened with Civ 4, it will happen with Civ 6. Alot of people will complain just to complain. Again thats nothing new, simple stupid human nature.

Yes, a lot of people do, and sometimes they are wrong. (I'm looking at you, people who complain about each WoW expansion!) But sometimes they are right. I don't think the people griping about all of Final Fantasy XIV's problems are complaining for the sake of complaining. They are upset because they purchased a game that is largely broken, unfinished, and unfun.

The point being, just because people complain doesn't mean they are right or wrong. It's the substance of their complaints that makes the difference. I tend to think there have been substantive enough complaints that, at the very least, Civ V can be considered quite flawed. But your mileage might vary.
well i plan to buy the expansions i enjoy this game :)

Funny, some people plan to buy the expansion in order to enjoy the game.
I think this review does a fair job.

The whole "lush graphics", okay game play is the true travesty... they spent so much time on the art/graphics, and yet the game play is really not up to par.

Sorry, I have to say it.
The terrain may look good, but graphics means the entirety of the graphics.

It is difficult to see the units in much of the terrain.

Don't tell me about the icons. The player shouldn't have to look at icons to tell which unit is right there under that icon.

It's bad Graphic design. Now good the terrain looks is besides the point.
You play the game. It's not a landscape to look at. The current state of the graphics makes it more difficult to play the game.

The simple fact that they had to add the icons should make this clear.
Civ 4 is just overrated. Get over it, and go to the Civ 4 forums if you want. I, along with the many others, are quite tired of people hating Civ 5, while they fail to realize that Civ 4 isnt any more complex than Civ 5, and it hasnt been "dumbed down", just because there certain things are missing in the UI.

Yeah, I agree Civ 5 could use a nice bit of refining, but to fix Civ 4 to my liking they would need to change the core game itself. Even with the LoR mod it was definitely lacking. Civ 5 has issues with AI and bad UI and some scaling issues, not issues of Civ 4 that would make Civ 4 an entire new game if it were fixed.
can you say, told you so? hehehe check out this link peepz

Civilization 5 has delievered a rushed, pile of junk that despite some people's addiction to it, most people are not satisfied (just look through the civ 5 thread since game release).

At least a rushed pile of crap is more honest than a super-delayed pile of crap (*cough* Zelda Twilight Princess*cough*)
can you say, told you so? hehehe check out this link peepz

Civilization 5 has delievered a rushed, pile of junk that despite some people's addiction to it, most people are not satisfied

I stopped reading after this point. You are not "most people" nor do you speak for them. "Most people" are busy playing the game and not make judgments on behalf of the gaming community.
Fact of the matter is this happens every time a new civ game is released. This is NOTHING NEW! It happened with Civ 4, it will happen with Civ 6. Alot of people will complain just to complain. Again thats nothing new, simple stupid human nature.

It has an impact. I loved Civ1 and Civ2 and played them to death. I bought Civ3 soon after it was released (big mistake) and put it away in disgust and didn't even look at another Civ game until a buddy of mine recommended BtS. I bought that for real cheap and don't regret it. As the release of Civ5 is reminding me so much of Civ3, I'm going to refrain from buying it for a good long time, perhaps never depending on how much love it gets from the community after it is patched and sequeled. I'll never pay full price for it, that's just insult to un-patched injury.
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