Civ 5 RE-install Help - Lack of help


Nov 8, 2010
I have Civ V, but it also no longer works, thanks to STEAM!!!!!!!!!

I cannot re-install it because it is already registered through STEAM (by me, as I am the one that bought it) on the STEAM account I had to create when I first installed the game before my computer crashed. As the Windows (newly installed) does not have Civ V in it's registery of installed programs, it will not either run or uninstall. I cannot clear it out fo the STEAM account and those folks are useless at helping. They have NO phone help, only useless email.

If you haven't bought Civ V, DON'T!!!!! Not until they remove the STEAM registration requirement. 2K games used to provide great support, now they do nothing to help you. It is now all through STEAM and they have NO interest in helping you at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any thought on how I can get the game going again. STEAM support will not help or at least they have done little but run me around in circles. I will not buy any more PC games that require registering through STEAM!!!!!!!!!

If you open Steam itself, go to your library. Right click Civ 5 in the list on the left margin. Select Properties. Click the tab Local Files. There is a choice called "Verify Integrity of Game Cache". I have found that button to be useful in clearing up install issues. If it finds something amiss, it will correct things, possibly even re-downloading as needed. Remember, Civ 5 is installed as a Steam entry more than a Registry entry, although Steam probably uses the registry during its work.

Good luck!
Okay trying to make sense of your post. Correct me if I am wrong;

You installed Windows. Then you went and downloaded/installed the game. Now you wish to uninstall it and its giving you an error (possibly due to nothing in the registry? Need more details). If however you installed Civ5 and then wiped everything when you reinstalled Windows (which is what happens) then of course its not going to still be installed or have any mention in the registry. You're post is a bit confusing.

Uninstalling from Steam should be simple, I've done it numerous times and had no problems. Just open up Steam, right click on the game's name in your list of games on the left in your Library, and select "Delete Local Content". This will uninstall the game. Then you can proceed to re-download it from Steam or reinstall from your DVD. The game is tied to your Steam account so you just need to log in again.

And yes, VALVe's customer support for Steam is slow, it usually takes a few days before they send a reply.

EDIT: Checked your other post and it makes a bit more sense, though I have no idea why you are having a problem.

So yeah if you installed Windows 7 from XP then it wiped out everyone on there so nothing would have still been installed and of course there would be no registry entries.

Just reinstall/download Steam

Log into Steam and you can either just download it from Steam (Steam allows unlimited installs/downloads on as many computers as you want) or install it from your DVD.
I think i have the same problem.

First, i've bought the DVD and i've clicked Setup.exe. It works, create a Steam Account and I had a Steam and a CiV icon on my desktop. When i clicked CiV icon, i could play it.

Unfortunalty, later, my harddrive crashed. I bought a new one. Install the same Win7, take the same DVD, and click the same Setup.exe.
I've just the Steam icon. And when i launch it, i can download CiV. But i don't want to do that. I've bought the DVD because my internet connexion DOESN'T ALLOW to download 4Go !
Where is the option to install CiV from DVD ?
Not sure if you need to uninstall Steam.

From this;

Using Steam launch options to install retail games from disc
Log in to Steam and click on Library.
Right-click on the game, select Delete local content, and confirm.
Insert the first disc into your computer.
Close Steam (Steam > Exit).
Press Windows Key + R to open Run
In the Run window type:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -install E:

Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive you are installing from if is not correct.
Replace C:\Program Files\Steam if your Steam installation is not in the default location.
Press OK. Steam will launch and ask you to sign in if you do not have your password saved. Your installation should continue from the disc.
Thanks PrinceScamp,

I'll try this tip this evening. I'll keep inform the forum if it works or not.

Edit: Ok, it works ! Thank you.
I have the same problem. I have the DVD-Rom at home, and after reformatting my pc, I reinstalled CiV and Steam again, only to see that steam has to download a file of 5gb.

Isn't the DVD-Rom enough to install the game and then use Steam to get the patches?

EDIT: Ok, I found the way now. It's being installed from the Disk.
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