• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ has simply reached the end of its life

I apologize if you were offended by my attempt at humor, but whole thread is one big joke. Meant in good humor. If I wanted biting, bitter, antagonistic sarcasm, I'd write it. This is meant as self-parody as much as anything else, not as an indictment of any specific opinion. I'm sorry you found it offensive. :(

on the other hand, you are probably right... I took the OP too seriously in the beginning... don't worry.
More like another series undergoes its scheduled purge of the conservative and fanatical old guard and gets some fresh blood.

Good riddens. Hopefully Civ VI can go off without "abandoned" fanboys trying to make it miserable on the forums for anyone who dares to say they enjoy the game.

Hilarious post! At first I thought you had just missed the fact that this was a joke thread that was satirizing an opinion that you also disagree with. When you complained about people trying to make the forums miserable I wondered why you yourself were taking a big steaming dump in the middle of a fun thread. Then I got it! Your post is a masterwork of irony, and a worthy addition to this thread. Thanks for posting it.
Hilarious post! At first I thought you had just missed the fact that this was a joke thread that was satirizing an opinion that you also disagree with. When you complained about people trying to make the forums miserable I wondered why you yourself were taking a big steaming dump in the middle of a fun thread. Then I got it! Your post is a masterwork of irony, and a worthy addition to this thread. Thanks for posting it.


JR, I like your style! :goodjob:
Take a chill pill. It's a funny opinion. Everyone has one. Not the funny, the opinion.
I would post something witty and sardonic but I remembered that we're talking about a game, not a person.

Seriously, much?
It's dead until the next patch and inevitable add-ons. And then dead until Civ 6 comes out.
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