Civ Ideas & Suggestions Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread

Thank you for the geodesic pic, Hammer Rabbi - I should have thought of that. I wonder if a hexagonal system could work with ocassional pentagons thrown in - though I don't know how that might mess up the terrain and unit movement graphics.

i think pentagons wouldnt allow for straight lines of tiles but im not sure how the occasional one would do. somehow i dont think would work anywhere other than at the edges.
Telegraph Technology should give Naval Units +1 Movement.
RAs should
each turn
1. give a bonus of ~1% of Your beakers that turn to any techs the other civ has that you can research
2. accumulate ~8% of the Other civ's beakers that in a pot that determines the beakers you get at the end

Great Scientist output should be capped (so that Modern Era techs can't be bulbed with just one)

Universities should have 1 slot, Research Labs 2
National Epic should give +75% GPP

Hospital should be +25% saved (and keep the Medical Lab +25% saved as well for a total of +90%)

Banks and Stock exchanges should give some base gold

Academies, Landmarks, Manufacturies, and Custom Houses need to be boosted with technology
Ancient+Classical: 6
Medival: 8
Renaissance: 10
Industrial: 15
Modern: 20

Happiness should continue to fill the box in a Golden Age

Seaports should give the +1 gold to ALL sea tiles

Commerce Opener should be +25% to capital gold and +33% to capital population for trade routes (+0.2 gold per capital pop instead of +0.15)

Legalism and Laded Elite should switch
Make DoFs a two-way street.

Diplomacy is probably the number one complaint people have with CiV, so here's an easy fix: make DoF's a two-way street. Currently there's simply no reason one would agree to sign a DoF, the AI will ask you for gold and resources, will be unhappy if you refuse them, but are never willing to return the favor. It's a completely one sided. But imagine if you were low on gold or you had happiness issues and a DoF buddy hit you up and said, 'It looks like you've fallen on some hard times, here, have some gold/luxury'.

Suddenly DoF's become a lot more interesting.

Choosing a civ that has luxuries you don't, resources you need, and money to spare will be important, and gives a viable alternative for peaceful players who may not want to simply puppet everything and everything.
Symmetry in diplomacy is on my list of complaints and will probably come up in a future CIV ideas thread, but here's an early version I posted on the last year. There's a lot more there than just DOF as well.

As for my ideas not worthy of a thread, I would pick 'map trading'.

There should be a nice middle ground between trading as it existed in Civ3/4 where you can basically sit in your capital and see the world, so to speak, and the claustrophobic no map trades in Civ5 where in many games, you have to wait until satellites to see the whole map.

Scouting in the early game is just tedious and it's impossible to recover /stop build orders to replace a lost scout halfway across the planet. Some diety level strategies actually suggest restarting the game if the scout is killed. That is kind of extreme, but it underlines how the game has shifted heavily in one direction

So my suggestion is to allow 2 types of maps to be trade-able

Classical/Medieval era allows the trade of topographical maps showing general topography of their explored areas. So you will see features like mountains, plains, hills, natural wonders (this will count as you finding them), but not cities or who is near them, though I suppose you can guess it, or resources/luxuries location. This will also be a nice incentive to explore.

Maps will be tagged with number of natural wonders in it you haven't discovered yet and you can trade those for more. Similarly the AI will ask for more to trade you their maps with wonders.

Renaissance Era allows the AI to trade you a more detailed version that shows their cities and resources as well as city states, but you will need to send an 'embassy' to meet those CS. revealing them on the map will not count (I believe this is similar to how satellites work) ; if you haven't traded any maps to this point, you will need to trade the topographical maps first, then the detailed version.

Furthermore, while any AI can trade their combined 'world view' of their topographical maps, they can only trade you the detailed maps from their own cultural line of sight. So no more exploiting that 1 uber trade where you trade 1 map to show you the entire world in its full detial.

Again, amount of resources they see vs. the amount of resources you don't know about and will potentially see will affect pricing and this correctly prices the cost of information for a large empire's territory. So I can expect map for luxury or map for 1,000 gold being possible in some trades.

And both civs will need 'Astronomy' tech to trade the more detailed maps.

After this point, satellites should be a modern era 'top off' to reveal bits of fog on the ocean or the territory of your hated enemy who refused to trade you their map or that large super empire who you didn't want to shell out 2k gold for.
2 ideas:
1. Marine Biology - a tech that provides 2 beakers for each sea luxury being worked by a city, becomes available in late industrial era or early modern era. Also more sea luxes other than whales and pearls. That or a different work boat that lets that happen like an Ocean platform work boat. it would not be considered a building for the Korean UA.

2. Volcanoes as a workable tile: Make vulcanization a new tech available in late industrial/early modern and throw in more volcanoes in the mountain tiles, or even reveal them when the tech is finished. this would give a science bonus or beakers (maybe the way jungle tiles are done) and gold or production, similar to Krakatoa but with science. this would need mtns to be traversible if a worker needed to improve it but i think the jungle tile bonus would be fine and just have a citizen work it and keep it non-traversible.

edit: you could even have this interesting mechanic with it -- it can flare up and erupt causing damage, i was thinking it could either reduce population by 2 when it erupts or it could pillage or ruin (make it unworkable for 10 turns) any improved tiles touching the volcano.

i think throwing in calamitous weather (volcano eruptions, tornados, tsunamis, hurricanes) would be a very interesting random game event.
To try and make navy units more useful to coincide with Gods and Kings, how about when you blockade you gain a base +1:commerce: and and an additional +1 for each luxury resource worked/near the city.

And a new unit, the privateer, to allow you to do this to other civs with them not knowing who is doing it (maybe unless they sink the unit, given a 1/2 or some chance of the nationality of the ship being revealed).
What I would find interesting is to give unique flavours to the existing regular civs, affecting their interest in certain types of CS. What I mean is, Mongols could be made more interested in military CS's, India in maritime CS's, Netherlands in mercantile CS's, Spain in religious CS's etc.
Currently an AI civ is either interested in all of them or in none of them. It would be more interesting for gameplay and a nice touch to diversify this.
What I would find interesting is to give unique flavours to the existing regular civs, affecting their interest in certain types of CS. What I mean is, Mongols could be made more interested in military CS's, India in maritime CS's, Netherlands in mercantile CS's, Spain in religious CS's etc.
Currently an AI civ is either interested in all of them or in none of them. It would be more interesting for gameplay and a nice touch to diversify this.

I agree, though I'd say AIs should have a certain strategy. Going tall means maritime and going cultural means cultural CS.

After all, it'd be strange to see a peacefull Mongolia investing in millitary CS. But yes, the all or nothing mentality should change.
Here are some suggestion I have of things to go into the upcoming Civilization V Gods and Kings Expansion set to be added to and changes to consider. I thought I had posted some suggestions but could find the thread when I when to make same changes in it so I’m posting them.

1. Eliminate the 1 unit/resource rule, make it an option in the customized game or have a mod/scenario that uses it but not the base game.
2. Make mountains usable terrain, allow resources to be found on them and terrain improvements on them. I suggest that the minimal number of improvements and resources be: 1Commerce; Resources: obsidian, whisky, guerillas (jungle), linen stripper/exotic dancer, timber, boar and hit movies.
Improvements: radar station & Rainforest preserve (Jungle MOD [BtS XML Mod Component]). Rain forest also occur in temperate forests, Temperate rainforests are coniferous or broadleaf forests that occur in the temperate zone and receive high rainfall. Examples include New Zealand's Auckland Islands, North Island & Fiordland temperate forests; & Valdivian temperate rainforests in South America. 3.1.1 Pacific temperate rain forests include the Hoh & Queets Rainforests in Olympic National Park, WA. Flora includes Coast Redwood, Coast Douglas-fir, Sitka Spruce & Western redcedar. Olympic National Forest target for 2011 is to offer 18.5 million board feet of lumber. Fauna include: salmon, black bear, deer, elk, otter, racoon, beaver, trout, stealhead, and fox. On the coast can also be found razor & bay clams, several deep sea fish types including salmon, halabit & link cod, crabs, mussels and whales.
3. Include Moderator Action: Pie's Ancient Europe minus the plague, leprosy and units located outside its own territory losses strength point’s penalty.
4. Ages: Motor Age (4 distinct ages).
5. Create patches that we can download or some means of incorporating units, terrain types & features, buildings, wonders and features for other Civilization variation that can be incorporated in to the newer version so we can the old deleted items or missed one of the game sets can add them to our newer games versions and expansion sets as well as ad new ones to the game.
6. Make larger rivers navigatable. Rivers could be divided into 2 types, normal for narrower & shallow rivers and wide rivers for large navigatable rivers like the Mississippi, Ohio & Columbia. Small naval units like destroys could go one or two squares up river as they have done on the Columbia River where they can go up river as far as Portland, OR without aid of lock & dams and farther than that for friendly units if dames are added as an improvement. In fact the battleship New Jersey has gone up river as far as Portland (100 miles up river) before. Destroyers have gone up the lower Columbia River to The Dalles, OR, 185 mile up river, with the aid of navigational locks. Washington Canal in Seattle, WA was used to hide our battleships as an inland safe haven during WWII. They could be give a penalty for lack of mobility in the river, say -4 on movement/defensive bonus for lack of being able to take evasive action as they would have to stay in the main channel, thus would be easy targets for artillery, PT boats, ironclads, planes and even small arms would be with in range as they would be within a quarter to half mile distance or less of the bank. Smaller vessels like iron clad & PT boats could easily go 2 or 3 squares or more up river as they are shallower draft vessels. Ironclads were designed for river use during the civil War.

7. Buildings: Barracks & zoo.
8. Civics: religion: Zen Buddhism. Catholic Monarchy civic allows civilization to make Papal Light infantry 1820; tribal. Facist civic: allows any civilization to build Panzer while using Fascist civic, -3 to research, all corporations’ headquarters are moved to the capital, -15% to culture, +1 to spying/specialist and +7 happiness for security bureau; and Shamanism.
9. Bring back the colony allowing cities access to strategic & luxury resources beyond cultural boundaries. Allow a colony to upgrade to the correct improvement; lumber mill, mine, camp etc upon being brought into the cultural boundary.
10. Desert Promotion: +20% desert attack and defense.
11. Remove open ocean, ice and fallout from terrain types from World Builder and replace them with something else since they are unusable terrains.

Improvements: minimum number of terrains/features for improvement.
Radar station: mountains & Ancient Forest.
Rainforest preserve: mountains, forested flood plains, deciduous forests, sal forests and forests.
Ranch-An improved version of farm available in the modern era, possibly available with Corporation for horses, cattle, cow, sheep, buffalo and wheat. Big game, desert-scrub, flood plain, desert hills, chicken and beehives.
Expanding discovery to other improvements (farms can discover wheat/rice/corn etc.) (Resource discovery [Archive] - Civilization Fanatics' Forums).
Allow improvements outside cultural boundaries.
Cart path and Lake farm ( Balance – Farms).
Outlet mall: cost 120, +4 commerce, built on Whisky & linen.
Mining camp: +1 happiness, +5 production for mineral & gem deposits within 1 square radius. Doesn’t have to be built on deposit like gold to gain benefit. Can grow into towns with time like cottages do.

Resources: boar: 2 food, found in (6) jungles, forest, mountains, rainforests, chaparral and delta. Improvements: Paved road. Linen (Moderator Action: Age of civilisations (BtS) - Civilization Fanatics' Forums): improvements: colony. Terrain: hills, bonus grasslands, mountains, Tropical dry forests & ice. Obsidian: improvements: workshop. Terrain: mountains, tundra, crater, forest type #1 in world builder, caves, forested flood plain (wooded bottoms), bayou & New Forest.
Guerillas: +2 food, +11 gold with zoo. Improvements: railroad, camp and radar station. Terrain: mountains & jungles.
Hit movies: terrain: forest type #2 in world builder.
Exotic dancer: Building bonuses: +4 gold for taverns & bars. Terrain: plains, Semi arid-desert hills, arctic, mountain passes and deserts. Improvements: Tavern (+3 happiness).
Timber: improvements (11): minefield, Bard’s Manor, workshop, advanced mines, gather camp, watch tower, forest preserve, machine gun fort, mining camp, still and water flume.
Whisky ( 337 resources): improvements: road, Agricultural Estate adds an additional +1 gold, breweries, cottage; outlet mall (+4 commerce) adds an additional +6 commerce to whisky. Desert windmill, mining camp +8 gold (thirsty miners makes for GOOD profit!), Chain guns, solar collectors, canals and air base (allowing paratrooper to be ale to parachute from outside a city or allow them to do it from a fort). Terrain: mountains, desert, New York Autumn (Tree pack: New York Autumn), heavy grass, jungle and forest.

Additional suggestions.
City improvements: Gattling cannon (Command & Conquer: Generals): for air & land units and defense for terrain/city improvements, very strong vs. infantry

Posted 3/22/12 Civf ideas & suggestions

God & Kings expansion set suggestions posting 2K site.
Here are some of my suggestions for the God & Kings expansion set.

Ages: Ancient age & Age of Pirates.
Civilizations abilities: Manifest Destiny
Do away with the 1 unit per resource rule.
Buildings: hydro plant, Research Laboratory: 70% science, laboratory and City Park.

City improvements: anti-ballistic missiles
Guild civic: Requires: Guilds, Medium Upkeep, No Foreign Corporations. No Foreign Trade, Unlimited Nobles, No Unhappiness in the Capital, +25% gold from all trade routes, can construct the Guild Hall, -15% science and +50% Faster Construction of the Villa, Manor, Estate.

Units: Camel gunners and Souhoi T-50

Techs: Military Tradition: units: Ottoman Tufeckj, Men at Arms
Improvements: Trench. Wonder: Heroic Epic. Promotion: attack. City improvements: City Defense.

Improvements: advanced mines: +2 production, +1commerce; Trench: +1 defensive bonus to foot units, -1to movement of Calvary & tracked vehicles, -2 to foot troops and impassable to wheeled vehicles. Can be built on any terrain, feature or resource type except bayou, swamp, marsh, river, lake, wetlands and ocean. Trading post: +2 gold.
Promotion: attack: +1 to attack.

Bishop: can join the city becoming a specialist adds +2 to happiness or form a congregation with adds +1 culture & + 1 gold from churches. One congregation can be created for every 3rd level of population, can be built at level 1, 4, 7 etc. Master builder: reduces build time for buildings by 10%; and nobleman.

Wonders: Angkor Wat
Terrain: snow: Terrain improvements: road, mine, trading post, wind mill, heavy bunkers, radar station, nuclear silos, cottage, air base allowing paratrooper to parachute from somewhere other than just cities and advanced mines. Resources: coats, coal, obsidian, potash, tin, timber, lumber and oil.
Polar coast: Improvements: cottage and replanting trees. Resources: coats, Medicinal herbs/plants, lobster, cow, hardwood, Albacore, whisky and cigars.
Mountains: improvements: radar station, mine, road, temple, forest replanting, workshop & Copper Pit Mine. Resources: copper, natural gas, deer, guerillas, timber and iron ore.

Resources: coats: +1 production, +1 happiness. Improvements: stone guard tower. Terrain/terrain features: snow and polar coast.
Lobster: +2 food, + 6 commerce; improved with nature preserve, game refuge, work boat & hatchery. Used as a “poor man’s” food through the 50’s until it became popular in Boston & New York as an upscale seafood dish. Could be +1 gold until a civilization reaches the modern era then a + 3 gold bonus added to it. Found in Polar coast, coast, continental self, harbor, and kelp beds.
Exotic dancer: +3 commerce, found on hills.

Leader trait: Imperialistic.
Civilizations: Apaches
Be able to pick a leader, leader trait and starting technology to create our own unique leader/civilization combinations.

Moderator Action: Merged with the compilation thread, because it's a compilation thread. ;)

Please read the forum rules:

Please read the forum rules:
25 gold is nice early game, but it's nothing in the Industrial Age. You might send a unit out to retrieve it then, but it's like a chore, the amount is so tiny that it's hardly worth the effort. It feels like micro management.
Something like 250 gold would be more appropriate at this stage. Barb camp loot should scale to be balanced with the rest of the game. Barb camps are becoming rare after the first stages of the game as well, so the spoils may be a bit more generous.

I'm roughly thinking about sticking to 25 gold for the first two ages, go to 50 gold for the Medieval Age, 100 for the Renaissance, 250 after.
I realize 250 gold would mean 750 for the Songhai, but since barb camps are so rare in that time, I don't think this is a big worry.
25 gold is nice early game, but it's nothing in the Industrial Age. You might send a unit out to retrieve it then, but it's like a chore, the amount is so tiny that it's hardly worth the effort. It feels like micro management.
Something like 250 gold would be more appropriate at this stage. Barb camp loot should scale to be balanced with the rest of the game. Barb camps are becoming rare after the first stages of the game as well, so the spoils may be a bit more generous.

I'm roughly thinking about sticking to 25 gold for the first two ages, go to 50 gold for the Medieval Age, 100 for the Renaissance, 250 after.
I realize 250 gold would mean 750 for the Songhai, but since barb camps are so rare in that time, I don't think this is a big worry.

Would be a very good change indeed, especially since by the modern age barb camps are so rare and in hard to reach locatons.

Songhai's ability could easily be adjusted, for example 50 gold extra per camp instead of a percentage. Though it could also be double instead of triple, then the UA is usefull throughout the game.
2 ideas:
1. Marine Biology - a tech that provides 2 beakers for each sea luxury being worked by a city, becomes available in late industrial era or early modern era. Also more sea luxes other than whales and pearls. That or a different work boat that lets that happen like an Ocean platform work boat. it would not be considered a building for the Korean UA.

2. Volcanoes as a workable tile: Make vulcanization a new tech available in late industrial/early modern and throw in more volcanoes in the mountain tiles, or even reveal them when the tech is finished. this would give a science bonus or beakers (maybe the way jungle tiles are done) and gold or production, similar to Krakatoa but with science. this would need mtns to be traversible if a worker needed to improve it but i think the jungle tile bonus would be fine and just have a citizen work it and keep it non-traversible.

edit: you could even have this interesting mechanic with it -- it can flare up and erupt causing damage, i was thinking it could either reduce population by 2 when it erupts or it could pillage or ruin (make it unworkable for 10 turns) any improved tiles touching the volcano.

i think throwing in calamitous weather (volcano eruptions, tornados, tsunamis, hurricanes) would be a very interesting random game event.

Suggestion for Marine Biology resources and where the ideas can be found are commercial fishing ( Goldfool's Graphics), tuna ( [ADD-ON] GIRs Sevomod Add-On. Higher value than fish do to modern harvesting methods, size & desirability 4F, 1C).

Volcanoes. Resources: Groundwater, stone (basalt for roads), uranium, nickel, Boots ( 337 resources), azurite,
Improvements: terrace, still, Bard’s Manor, excavation (with Archeology), Star Fort, ski resort, vacation resort, geothermal plant.
Ash from volcanoes makes fertile soil so could give squares next to volcanoes or affected squares after an eruption a +1food bonus.
The new 'WW2 Infantry' in Gods and Kings should be called Motorised Infantry and have a movement of 3. Its movement animation could be a convoy of military trucks while its attack animation would be as normal (Panzer General did something similar). This would fit neatly as one of the key changes to infantry combat in the period was the mass use of motor vehicles for troop transport. The 'Great War Infantry' could then just keep the name 'Infantry'.

One other thing thats bugged me since Civ3 :wallbash:. I'd love it if the Mech Infantry combat animation actually had soldiers fighting alongside the IFVs instead of just seeing them fire their cannons. But i guess to do that youd also have scale down infantry size compared to vehicles across the board (like in R.E.D).
Would anyone else be interested in seeing elevation instead of distinct "hills" or "mountains" type terrain? Alpha Centauri did this so it is definitely feasible within the context of an empire-builder.
I would like to see Konigsberg, Danzig, and possibly Breslau added to Germany's city list, as they were important cities in the German Empire, though are not currently part of it.
I would like to see Konigsberg, Danzig, and possibly Breslau added to Germany's city list, as they were important cities in the German Empire, though are not currently part of it.

Certainly, I agree with this too.
While talking about Germany... the Landsknecht needs a different icon. The swordsman icon is just laughably similar and actually irritating as they don't even wield a sword as primary weapon. A halberd icon please.

Dunno why I made this picture ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...the request is pretty reasonable even without any visualization:

<---- current | improved ---->
While talking about Germany... the Landsknecht needs a different icon. The swordsman icon is just laughably similar and actually irritating as they don't wear a sword as primarily weapon. A halberd icon please.

Dunno why I made this picture ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯ ...the request is pretty reasonable even without any visualization:

On the contrary, the visualizations were a welcome addition to your post (and some great artwork, to boot). I second you suggestion and hope the appropriate people read this thread and change the artwork. I always wondered about that "sword with the point down" that represented a polearm weilder. :confused:
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