Civ-Specific Governments and anything else...


Jun 13, 2003
First of all, I've got no internet at my home these days and for the next couple of weeks, so i'm perhaps not up-to-date in regard to the state of modding currently achieved.

For my mod, I wanted to have specific governments for each civ.
For example, Russia shoud have "Russian Communism" and China "Chinese Communism". Russia should be able to change into "Russian Democracy" and China should not be able to change at all.

So I gave both civs a dummy tech (like "Being Russian" and "Being Chinese", in the RAR mod).

"Russian Democracy" becomes available with a technology of the same name; it requires two technologies, the one, i name it here for example "The End of the Soviet Union" which is researchable in a late period, the other "Being Russian".

So China cannot research "Russian democracy".

What is good about it? You cann assigns specific governments to specific civs, and they stick with these.

This allows also wonders or improvements for specific civs, without preplaced resource-tricks.

The only bad thing about is, that you'll have to disable "Steal technology", because if you're stealing a tech from a foe, his technological tree becomes visible to you, and because you cannot acquire the dummy tech, you cannot go on, and are stuck on the screen.

Now i wonder, if anything else has utilised this before, or if there are any problems using this.
Hi jatibi,

SOE uses this methode and there are good results with it.

So if you capture a city even the "noncultural" buildings and GWs that are for an other civ (=governement) dissapear and when that civ recaptures that city, these imps can be used again. With this methode you can even have "two-side wonders", p.e. the Eiffeltower GW for the French civ (=governement)produces a French tank every 4 turns in Paris and if the Germans capture Paris, the Eiffeltower with the German Governement produces a Panzer III every 4 turns. For that you need two Eiffeltower wonders in that city, but only one of them is active. With this methode you have a nice tool for the progress of war for some civs. :)
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