Civ V Pitboss Server

Inverse Icarus

Nov 17, 2009
I posted a thread with this body on the 2k Games Civ V forums, but I figured a developer from Friaxis might be more likely to read CF.

I'm not sure if any devs are going to be looking here, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in working on the game. Fall 2010 seems fairly ambitious to me, and I know how grueling the game industry can be. I hope you all don't plan to sleep during the late summer / early fall.

One thing I'd like to ask for is a Pitboss server, or equivalent, right out of the box. Pitboss was an amazing innovation for Civilization, allowing players to log in and play their turn at their leisure is fantastic. No longer does everyone have to be logged in at once, or passing around a save file through email.

There is a rather large Pitboss community, and I wanted to make sure that you developers knew how important and well received Pitboss really was.

In addition to that, I'd also like to mention that I am running a website devoted to the tracking of Pitboss games. It essentially just scrapes the Pitboss window, generates events, and logs them so that players can see them. Players in these Pitboss games can see when it's their turn, and look at score graphs out of the game itself.

The website is located at You can check out the website's features and play around with it if you want.

If you are intending to release a Pitboss-like tool for Civilization 5, I'd suggest creating a similar website or some other interface to expose information like this.

Conversely, you're not opposed to the way I am currently supporting this functionality, I'd request that you structure the Pitboss tool in a similar fashion, exposing interesting information on the screen, or in other ways, so that an application running in parallel with Pitboss would be able to publish information to the internet.

I would gladly work with some of you developers in synchronizing any such tool with my website. The community would certainly appreciate having a website / tool like this right at release.

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions, or would like to talk about this.

And if you're a pitboss user/admin, let Firaxis know how much Pitboss means to you! Keep this thread bumped, and feel free to add suggestions for Civ V's Pitboss.
There's also another site that keeps track of pitboss games that I use a lot:

It would certainly be a good idea to include this sort of game-tracking functionality into Civ5.

Overall though, I would be amazed if some form of Pitboss (or equivalent) was not included in Civ5. As one of the many players who has enjoyed (and still enjoys!) the ability to play large-scale (10-18+ players) games of Civ4 in a reasonable amount of time (~24 hours per turn), I would be very disappointed if Civ5 did not include this functionality. :)
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