Civ VI Funny/Strange Screenshots

(Naturally I immediately declared war on the Swedes, but alas... the settler wasn't "caught" under my warrior and they built a city right there at the end of turn.)

Ha! After some trial & error I managed to get his settler and kick them out right before turn 2. The trick was to do things in this order: Declare war, found a city where my settler stands, my warrior will get kicked of the enemy settler one tile away, hop on settler, win!
Nice one Firaxis. This is on Firaxis huge Earth map. I'm not expert at Geography, but...

notice the ocean name by my caravel.
edit: I just noticed Pacific is in other areas as well. My perception skills are -1 it appears. The North sea is labeled Pacific ocean. :lol: Well technically it's the area North of the Great Britain isles, but close.
Well it's Pacific coz everyone likes you. If you got Denounced by one half and warred the other it would be Highly Disturbed Ocean.
Well, I can't take this sort of decisions at 1:15 AM.
Saving and exiting. Will sleep on it :)
Deity, standard size continents and islands, no modes. Scythia and Spain at war. I'm getting +1 faith for the pantheon from Armagh, but it is Phillip's Amani there and he's the Suze.
My original plan, before meeting other AI, was to kill Nazca and Kandy first, because I'm sick of religious victories and religious CS near me all the time. But now..., o, the temptation :)
What would you do this turn?

Well, I can't take this sort of decisions at 1:15 AM.
Saving and exiting. Will sleep on it :)
Deity, standard size continents and islands, no modes. Scythia and Spain at war. I'm getting +1 faith for the pantheon from Armagh, but it is Phillip's Amani there and he's the Suze.
My original plan, before meeting other AI, was to kill Nazca and Kandy first, because I'm sick of religious victories and religious CS near me all the time. But now..., o, the temptation :)
What would you do this turn?

Just take the Settler and then run away. I am no pro, though, so my strategy might get you killed. :p
Nice one Firaxis. This is on Firaxis huge Earth map. I'm not expert at Geography, but...

notice the ocean name by my caravel.
edit: I just noticed Pacific is in other areas as well. My perception skills are -1 it appears. The North sea is labeled Pacific ocean. :lol: Well technically it's the area North of the Great Britain isles, but close.
The normal Earth TSL is the same, the names don't match the locations.

That's the huge map? Spain seems identical in size to the normal one...
That's the huge map? Spain seems identical in size to the normal one...

You can tell the whole thing is really huge from the minimap. It is just that Europe is always going to be quite small if the map designers just following the IRL portion.
You can tell the whole thing is really huge from the minimap. It is just that Europe is always going to be quite small if the map designers just following the IRL portion.
I'm just sad because I was hoping that Europe would be larger than that. The English suck on Earth TSL because there is no space to grow until you get the ability to send settlers across water - I was hoping that Britain would be somewhat larger so you can grow a bit before then. Seems Europe is going to be even worse on the huge map for loyalty issues...
I'm just sad because I was hoping that Europe would be larger than that. The English suck on Earth TSL because there is no space to grow until you get the ability to send settlers across water - I was hoping that Britain would be somewhat larger so you can grow a bit before then. Seems Europe is going to be even worse on the huge map for loyalty issues...
Japan got an even shorter end of the stick: It looks like it was thrown into a garbage compactor. :p
What would you do this turn?

Take the settler, terrain seems rough for spain to chase you. Even if you dont get the settler out you can just delete it and spain should be hurt alot.
If you have something to sell to scythia you could buy a warrior to keep Puel Mapu safe (maybe ask for gold to join the war?).
Is Spain in a golden age?

Russia? Canada? Pfftt..... There's a new king of the tundra in town!

Who knew a southeast Asian empire would absolutely CRUSH it with the aurora pantheon?
Well, I can't take this sort of decisions at 1:15 AM.
Saving and exiting. Will sleep on it :)
Deity, standard size continents and islands, no modes. Scythia and Spain at war. I'm getting +1 faith for the pantheon from Armagh, but it is Phillip's Amani there and he's the Suze.
My original plan, before meeting other AI, was to kill Nazca and Kandy first, because I'm sick of religious victories and religious CS near me all the time. But now..., o, the temptation :)
What would you do this turn?

What’s loyalty lens showing you? I reckon settling at the swamp at the east end of the mountain pass will give you a loyalty hit that’s hard, but if you could hold it and get an encampment up, that would give you a nice foothold for a later war against Spain. However timing is key, you generally don’t want to war him in Renaissance era, although I guess if he’s in golden age your UA might help you.
Ha! After some trial & error I managed to get his settler and kick them out right before turn 2. The trick was to do things in this order: Declare war, found a city where my settler stands, my warrior will get kicked of the enemy settler one tile away, hop on settler, win!
By win, do you mean it was a 2 player game? :o
Just take the Settler and then run away. I am no pro, though, so my strategy might get you killed. :p
It's a bloody long run, that's the problem :) And Kandy could close the road any moment, although they have two higher priority tiles elsewhere to expand, so maybe the danger is not so high. But then Phillip may move his Amani there, and that would be very sad :)

Take the settler, terrain seems rough for spain to chase you. Even if you dont get the settler out you can just delete it and spain should be hurt alot.
If you have something to sell to scythia you could buy a warrior to keep Puel Mapu safe (maybe ask for gold to join the war?).
Is Spain in a golden age?
Scythia would reward my joining with 1 gold or 20 DF, because Tomyris give DF 0 value for the moment. But a good move nevertheless, allowing to avoid an unwanted surprise war and a strike from her :)

What’s loyalty lens showing you? I reckon settling at the swamp at the east end of the mountain pass will give you a loyalty hit that’s hard, but if you could hold it and get an encampment up, that would give you a nice foothold for a later war against Spain. However timing is key, you generally don’t want to war him in Renaissance era, although I guess if he’s in golden age your UA might help you.
It is -20 there. Classical just started and Spain is very unexpectedly in a Normal age. Scythia in a Golden one.

I thought about it and decided to let them live for now, although I'll keep my scout around, just in case. It is awfully far to bring the settler back, settling near Spain is not very tenable, I kinda want that pantheon sooner and anyway, with the new Mapuche you don't want too many self-settled cities. I was planning to go Borg from three cities, so maybe I'll stick to the original plan. If Spain settles, so be it. Another city 'not founded by Mapuche' to assimilate into the Collective, when I'm ready :)
Anyway, thanks for the input!
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