Civ VI Funny/Strange Screenshots

It's Inland Sea.
After playing on that map for some time, I can see that there is something strange going on. There are lots of resources clustered together, as you say can happen with Shuffle (I remember seeing it there, too). North of the coffee are 8 tiles of cocoa and I founded a city that has access to 6 wheat. On the other hand, to the east of my starting city, there is not much. Lots of mountain ranges, but no rivers and no resources. In the south is (as expected on Inland Sea) lots of tundra, without anything on it. No forests, nor resources. Looks interesting to play it out though since some of the enemy cities are really great and worth conquering ;-)
What victory type did you get though ?

Domination. A bit later I figured I could just click "just one more turn" and continue on my own to colonize the whole world. Now spamming Settlers and (in a few turns, when I have Feudalism) builders.
This is maybe more sad than funny. Think this will be trouble?


  • 2017-03-18.png
    3.5 MB · Views: 905
Build an army. Hope they have no horses.
At least you have backup from a couple CS. But yeah, time to rush Archery before Horsemen get beefed up.
This is maybe more sad than funny. Think this will be trouble?

And this is why you always recon in a growing circle around your first city.
And this is why you always recon in a growing circle around your first city.

Usually. This is the TSL-Earth map so I'm going for the 3 City States, check if India is there and go find the nearest continent. You have a good defensive spot with China on this map so even 3 camps of barbarians is not bad, will just slow down your settling Nepal.
It's Inland Sea.
After playing on that map for some time, I can see that there is something strange going on. There are lots of resources clustered together, as you say can happen with Shuffle (I remember seeing it there, too). North of the coffee are 8 tiles of cocoa and I founded a city that has access to 6 wheat. On the other hand, to the east of my starting city, there is not much. Lots of mountain ranges, but no rivers and no resources. In the south is (as expected on Inland Sea) lots of tundra, without anything on it. No forests, nor resources. Looks interesting to play it out though since some of the enemy cities are really great and worth conquering ;-)

You mean like this?

That's from my first game after the Australian summer patch.
Afaik that's a general thing of Inland Sea, because it tries to put the same amount of resources on fewer tiles.

Only heard about it though, I always want to play round maps.
I hope people don't mind the smell of fish...

You can have a Harbor adjacent to 5 fish and to a Commercial Hub, with the CH adjacent to a river. That's some serious gold (and one of the few cases a Shipyard is almost mandatory).
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