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Civ2 player returning, start with CiV?


May 8, 2002
My question to you all is this: Should I get Civ 4, Civ 5, or wait?

I love turn based strategy, especially Civ2 and MOO2. Years ago I was playing GOTMs badly. I took a break from turn based straegy, coming out of retirement to play Gal Civ 2. With the release of a Vista playable MOO2, my hunger to play Civ has returned. My rig isn't top of the line, but it is a dual-core and the Civ 5 demo plays OK, even if the 'Fog of War' is in classic black. I can tell there's been massive changes in the game since Civ 2, so I'm wondering which game is more fun and/or immersive for folks with some experience in the genre, but aren't up on all the recent changes.

Thoughts and opinions?
Most people at this forum hate Civ5, so the answers that you'll get are easy to predict...

I like it and I think its general concepts are much better than any other Civ game, but of course it needs work - these days most games aren't released in a finished state.
For a good time call Rhye!

No really, you cannot go wrong with Rhye's and Fall of Civilization (RFC). Best damn Civ4 mod this side of the Big Bang.
Its smaller sibling called RFC:Europe has a different focus and feels/plays completely differently so represent a whole new bag of fun.
Haven't played much regular Civ4 for quite a while .. keep going back to those two. Lots of other awesome scenarios available though so plenty to keep you busy.

Civ5 is currently a little too buggy, unbalanced and unchallenging. Wait with until it gets the first major patch to sort out those things that QA should be fired for missing ;D
Well, I'd probably say Civ V... but accept that there will be constant annoying problems, balances, mechanics, etc. that won't be completely fixed for ~2-3 years with the final expansions
buy civ iv bts instead, it's alot better. wait and see how future civ v will look like before buying it.
Wow, 2 posts in 8 years ;) Welcome back.
Civ 4 BTS is a lot cheaper, and has many many mods already built.
But Civ 5 is new, and you can get up to speed much faster :)
civ IV complete
you don't want to play unplayable game.
I have to disagree.
If the last Civ game you played was Civ 2, then Civ 5 will be much more accessible. In many ways, it's much simpler than Civ 4.
If you are looking for similarity to Civ 2, Civ 5 comes a lot closer.
Most people at this forum hate Civ5, so the answers that you'll get are easy to predict...

I like it and I think its general concepts are much better than any other Civ game, but of course it needs work - these days most games aren't released in a finished state.

That's woefully inaccurate. The fact is, most people here like it. It's just the detractors are much louder.
If my 55 hour playtime on Civ V is any indication, then yes, Civ V is definitely worth buying. Keep in mind, I have been playing Dead Rising 2, Halo Reach and Europa Universalis 3 since Civ V was released as well, otherwise that time would be much higher.

There are a few issues with the game admittedly, but those will be ironed out in patches and Civ V has a lot more potential than any other Civ game in my opinion. In fact, I would say that getting heavily into Civ IV will only detract from your experience with Civ V when you do upgrade, there will be many Civ IV habits you would have to unlearn.
That's woefully inaccurate. The fact is, most people here like it. It's just the detractors are much louder.

most people like it... and they are busy playing the game lol.

the people who don't, they have nothing better to do than rant.
So hard to say. I loved Civ II. Best game ever at the time. I hated Civ III. I would say play the demo of Civ V. if you like it, then buy it.

Mind you there is a demo for Civ IV as well. Since Civ V is current and you havn't played Civ IV you might not be disapointed with Civ V then. Play the Civ V demo, and judge for yourself. Also if Civ V will not play on your computer, then try the demo of Civ IV to make shure it will play on your computer as well.
Civ V isn't perfect, but I like it more than I liked Civ IV. Reading these forums you'd get the impression that Civ IV was awesome out of the box, but it wasn't. The early game went by too quickly and the late game bogged down so badly that it was tempting to call it a game once you got large enough. (I found stack combat to be quite boring.)

The balance issues in Civ V (like with victory conditions) will probably be patched. The AI is unlikely to be, but no one has ever written a truly great AI for a game that wasn't very simple.
That's woefully inaccurate. The fact is, most people here like it. It's just the detractors are much louder.

Yet the polls say different. Unless you want to go back and find the one inactive poll that agrees with your opinion.

As for Which Civ to go for, Civ V certainly is the easiest to get into... pretty much Civ 2 with tactical combat, social policies and city states. But if you want your money's worth and more of a challenge than being able to win on Immortal on your second game, get Civ 4 + BTS. The depth of gameplay and content available is incomparable.
If you're coming in from Civ 2 then I suggest you go with Civ 4 (Beyond the Sword) right now.
Yet the polls say different. Unless you want to go back and find the one inactive poll that agrees with your opinion.

As for Which Civ to go for, Civ V certainly is the easiest to get into... pretty much Civ 2 with tactical combat, social policies and city states. But if you want your money's worth and more of a challenge than being able to win on Immortal on your second game, get Civ 4 + BTS. The depth of gameplay and content available is incomparable.

the fact is, polls at this point are completely inaccurate. At this point the forums are completely inundated with people that want to complain about Civ V. Any poll that is put up now will reflect that. The data is completely corrupt. People who like the game are, for the most part, staying away from the forum and playing, or hanging out in the strategy forum.
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