Civ4 $19.99 at Best Buy (expired)


Oct 25, 2000
If you don't have Civ4 yet or want to buy some additional copies for the holiday, you may want to go to your nearest Best Buy today or tomorrow. They have it on sale for just $19.99, $30 off the suggested retail price. Alternatively, you can order it from Best Buy's website for the same price.

EDIT(11/23): The offer has expired.

Thanks to maharaja for the news tip.
Many thanks for this tip! I'm cheap, and have been waiting for the price to come down while I continue to enjoy CivIII. At $19.99, the price is right! :)
I think it is logic that they lowered the price for the game since the box with all civ (apart from the Warlords expansion) is less than 35 $ these days :)
All in all: sweeeeet :)
I just checked their site and the price is back up to $49.99 (as expected). Glad some of you bought it at $19.99! That was really a great deal! :)
I just wonder, who in their right mind would pay $49.99 for civ4 alone if you can get the chronicles pack for less than that ??
thats annoying...
Kristian95 said:
I just wonder, who in their right mind would pay $49.99 for civ4 alone if you can get the chronicles pack for less than that ??
Where can you get Chronicles for less than $49.99?
ups my mistake... that amount was in pounds... so it's around $64... still I think it's a much better deal than Civ4 for $49.99 :)
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