Civ5 Full Multiplayer Ranked Games: A Let's Play, of Sorts


Aug 20, 2009
Hey guys. This isn't exactly an LP, but it's close enough, so I decided to post a thread for my series here. I'm not sure if anyone else has done this, but I record full multiplayer Civ5 games for my Youtube channel. These matches are usually in the form of 6-player FFA games, with a ranking system facilitated by and a community facilitated by both them and the No Quitters Steam Community, also known as "NQ" ( What I have done is recorded these ranked games and cut to different parts in them as well as sped up parts in order to condense games that are usually 6+ hours long to less than two hours of footage. I've played Civ5 since it's release, but in terms of gameplay hours and experience, I'm eons behind a lot of the people that frequent No Quitters and Civplayers, leaving me with much to learn. I still try to explain the reasoning behind some of the things that I do, and I try to learn from my mistakes in each match. Enjoy this series, the videos will be few and far between but I'm sure they will be an enjoyable viewing experience. Thank you, and whatever feedback I can get, whether strategy-wise or something else, would be appreciated.

Game #1: The Celts -
Game #2: Poland -
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