• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civilization Chronicles Also Available

Re-doing the old Civs in Civ4 is a must.

Civilization I is so basic that I doubt it's worth more than 5 minutes for the retro nostalgia feel. The 'Congress' feature and spin-off civs from rebellions are about the only really cool features that the sequels sometimes (regrettably) ignored.

Civ II is probably worth a few replays.

solomonrex said:
Can anyone review Civilization I from this package?

Can anyone tell us more about the card game?

Neither of these will be covered by any game site, it seems.

I think it's awesome that 2k released the source code for Civ IV. I can't believe this didn't get more attention (can you host seminars on MSDN to spread the word a little more?) This package looks really cool, and I'll buy it as soon as my pc can run Civ IV... :( And I bought my laptop just last year!

I initially thought these would be "remastered" games on the Civ IV codebase, since Firaxis made the customizability/programmability of Civ IV such a big selling point. Is it even possible? Has anyone tried this (duplicating the original game in a modern Civ engine)? I just loved the original's pacing, battle system and tech tree. It's probably just nostalgia talking, but except for not having hit points on the units, it's think it's the best civ I've played.

This was my first post, so I'd like to thank the people behind civfanatics for everything you have here, it's terrific. Keep it coming.
Hi all, just a one question:

Chronicles is only in english version, or maybe there will be other languages versions too? There will be an italian version of this marvelous Chronicles?

Thx and C U
Giulio_Cesare said:
Hi all, just a one question:

Chronicles is only in english version, or maybe there will be other languages versions too? There will be an italian version of this marvelous Chronicles?

There are plans to release Chronicles in Europe, but it won't be this year. I also don't know for sure if there are plans to release it in other languages over there.
2K_jason said:
Titi: Civ 2 MGE includes both of those expansions and is compatible with all the mods and stuff, so there's no reason to have vanilla Civ 2 in there.

I'd kind of been hoping the Chronicles would contain vanilla Civ 2, am fed up to my back teeth of the unreasoningly hostile AI behaviour in MGE.
I'd kind of been hoping the Chronicles would contain vanilla Civ 2, am fed up to my back teeth of the unreasoningly hostile AI behaviour in MGE.

Unfortunately we opted for MGE over Civ 2 vanilla. This is the first complaint I've heard about MGE...I wasn't aware of any negative implications of that decision.

Sorry! Nothing we can do about it now.
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