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Civilization IV for LINUX! PLEASE!


Mar 7, 2006
Toronto, Canada.
Like the above topic says,

please please please make a Civ IV version for Linux! Its just not fair!

We have to get rid of these microsoft bastards! Yaaaay for Linux!
There isn't a great business case for games on Linux, yet (especially since their graphics engine isn't supported on Linux).
I don't run Linux (still on Windows XP), and don't know much about it, so I don't know if this thread is any help to you or not.
Looks like there is a slight co$t involved, but hardly enough to break the bank.
If you want to start a pro-Linux / anti-Microsoft thread, do it in our Computer Talk forum. ;)

That said, Cedega is the only way to play Civ4 for now (probably for the forseeable future). I always buy Linux versions of games when I can, but like warpstorm said, the business case for games on Linux is currently poor. After all, we've only got about 5% of the desktops and not all of us play games. Besides, the best/most common tools for doing 3D game graphics are built for Windows/DirectX. (Open GL can do everything DIrectX can, but it doesn't have the toolset readily available. Still, Aspyr is able to convert DirectX to OpenGL for the Mac version of Civ4, so....)

Still, I would absolutely love it if, say, Linux Games Publishing would license the game and make a Linux version of it. I would snap it up in a heartbeat. :)
romelus said:
*sly german voice* come to vindowz, come to zee dark side :evil:

Umm... no. Althoguh, Cedega does have a lot of problems. CIV IV is whats keeping me with windows, the game is to good to lose.
True that! The only thing that keeps me tetherd to windows is my games, man if they had a linux that ran civ 4 and BF2 I would so be gone. Oh and btw I bet the sly german voice would be calling you toward open source, the geeky american voice would call you towards windows :)
N3pomuk said:
True that! The only thing that keeps me tetherd to windows is my games, man if they had a linux that ran civ 4 and BF2 I would so be gone. Oh and btw I bet the sly german voice would be calling you toward open source, the geeky american voice would call you towards windows :)

*geeky american voice* u h4ve 2 use L|NUXX ise d4 BOMB :nuke: :goodjob: :) ;)

hehehe couldn't resist
You know,

I have a feeling that people who use linux buy their programs legitimately more than windows users.

Furthermore, Linux crowd is more mature than the Windows crowd, so they would really appreciate and gobble up a brilliant game like Civilization IV. Since Linux games are so few and far between, their relative sales do better, because the Linux gamers are willing to get anything so long as they can play on Linux.

Even the new Quake was released for Linux and made A LOT of money just from Linux. Linux games make more than Mac games, its just that simple.

If you cater for Macs, why not for Linux?
I gave my ideas in this thread a month ago. I think my idea is better than using an emulation software. If Firaxis itself does an installer like the one I suggested, it could preserve all copy protection codes from cd/dvd.
Doing something like that is very time consuming, If you want to port a game to another system, that is. Now if they done the whole game in openGL or something like that instead of proprietary DirectX, this would have been alot simpler and cheaper. And I think the relative success civ3 has on the Mac a linux version should come(opinion here). besides I am painfuly desparetly looking for a way to completely switching to linux before all this vista "crap" goes mainstream. Lets just say I'd rather donate those $250 to someone than having to "invest" it in yet another "upgrade" by microsoft.
Guerra said:
Like the above topic says,

please please please make a Civ IV version for Linux! Its just not fair!

We have to get rid of these microsoft bastards! Yaaaay for Linux!

LMAO that was funny. fraxis might do one, But let them get this one working right first:lol:
Games are what make me keep Windows too. But these times, it's more like "Windows is what keeps me away from games". Everytime I'm thinking about a little Civ game, I think I have to reboot on Windows and I just don't.

Rebooting is evil !

(Not to mention that I have a ATI card with crappy linux drivers)
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