Civilization Reborn Vassal Issue


Sep 6, 2006
Trying this here as well:

I was wondering if the hivemind could help me out, please.

I am playing the above mod, and it's a blast!

However, for some reasons, vassalization does not work. I've tried changing it in the options, I've looked in the XML, Python, etc., and I can't find a place to turn it on?

Would anyone, especially folks that worked on Descent of Civilization/RFC have any ideas where that is in the files, please? There has to be a place that lets you turn it on off somewhere. Turning it on in the options in Worldbuilder doesn't fix it.

All the author said about it was after something he changed with the Elective policy, I can't help anymore as I don't have the mod itself though, sorry
All the author said about it was after something he changed with the Elective policy, I can't help anymore as I don't have the mod itself though, sorry
She, actually. But yeah, it's likely a result of an issue with changes made while changing Elective's effect.
She, actually. But yeah, it's likely a result of an issue with changes made while changing Elective's effect.
That is a good place to start! Would you happen to know what effect you made, or what files the change was in, please?
That is a good place to start! Would you happen to know what effect you made, or what files the change was in, please?
I made the Holy Romans have more influence in diplomacy, intending it to be easier to peacefully obtain vassals and generally get better trade deals, instead it seems I broke the system entirely.
I made the Holy Romans have more influence in diplomacy, intending it to be easier to peacefully obtain vassals and generally get better trade deals, instead it seems I broke the system entirely.
Hello again,

Stab in the dark here, but do you know which file those changes were made in? Was it Python or XML? Or is is in the DLL?

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