Civilization Selection


Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2004
Red Sox Nation
Civilization Selection Poll

UN REPS: Please post this thread in your forums (if no UN rep for your team yet - decide on one. In the meantime, anyone can copy this there). The following are the options for deciding on how we choose the teams' civs:

1. MTDG I style (list 5 preferred civs in order)
2. Random
3. Rik Meleet chooses
4. Other teams decide your civ for you
5. Other (please describe; please don't use this and make something exotic, as five teams with 5 weird ways of determining civs does not get us anywhere).

Let's try to get this done ASAP guys. :)
10 out of Team BABE's 13 memebers have voted unanimously for

1. MTDG I style (list 5 preferred civs in order)

So I don't see this option changing
you big weiners... there was no abstain :p
GA or RM,

Do you guys want our civ list now or can we wait until the map has been decided?

EDIT:: moved question here
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