Civilopedia request for FfH Civs


Jan 13, 2006
Allentown, PA
I'm very happy with the way that the Civilopedia has been updated and I love FfH. It's very frustrating for me, though, when I start to play a game, map out a broad strategy and then find out when I'm on turn 150 that my strategy won't work because the Civ I'm playing can't build whatever unit/building I'm looking forward to.

Putting a list of buildings/units that are not allowed in the Civilopedia would actually be an even bigger help than including the list of special things each civ can build that others can't.

Right now, I don't even know where to look to find that information other than scattered throughout the many threads on this board. The only ones that I can think of right now is Barbarian trait = no Libraries and Dwarf = no Mage/Archmage.
When you start the game, it should give you a list of the units and buildings your civilization can't build, for example: the Hippus: when I started with them, it said in the start up box that they couldn't build Arquebuses and Cannons. Bit of a bummer, really, but they pwn anyway...
After starting a game, open the tech tree. The techs are the same for every civ, of course, but the lists of things they enable are civ-specific. For example, if you start a game as the Calabim and then open the tech tree and look at the block for God King, you will note that the Elder Council building is not shown as available. And so you know you won't be able to build Elder Councils.

That's how I do it, anyway.
Or you simply get the manual, browse to the civs and look up up what they can't build. In case you don't know the tech tree by heart. ;)
It does actually list that in FF (at least it does in my version), though that doesn't help them since they are playing regular FfH, not FF.

I would also recommend the manual since each civs entry ends with a nice and simple "Cannot build" box (except for the entries on those civs that can build everything).
Not entirely appropriate here, but how hard would it be to set the number of good/neutral/evil civs in a game without specifying what civ it is. To many times my game has been ruined as the Sheaim with the elves/dwarves founding an early religion and the whole world becomes neutral except for my evil Sheaim empire.
It wouldn't be hard at all. Snarko wrote and Kael adopted a system that makes it quite easy. You'll notice that Random Good, Random Neutral, and Random Evil are on the list of leaders. You can set as many civs to have these leaders as you like, and when the game starts these dummy leaders will be replaced with a random leader of the proper alignment. (Note that Decius counts as a Neutral leader, although he can turn good or evil through an event on the first turn.)
This should clear up the 'blocked units' part:
Calabim: Arquebus, Cannon.
Clan of Embers: Arquebus, Cannon, Horse Archer, Knight.
Doviello: Arquebus, Cannon, Marksman.
Grigori: Cannot adopt religion or non-neutral alignment.
Hippus: Arquebus, Cannon.
Illians: Cannot adopt religion or non-evil alignment.
Infernal: Arquebus. Cannot adopt non-evil alignment.
Khazad: Archmage, Horse Archer, Longbowman, Mage, Marksman, Ranger.
Ljosalfar: Arquebus, Berserker, Cannon, Catapult, Chariot.
Luchuirp: Beastmaster, Horse Archer, Marksman, Ranger.
Mercurians: Arquebus, Beastmaster, Berserker, Crossbowman, Immortal, Knight, Marksman, Phalanx, Scout, Shadow, Warrior. Cannot adopt evil alignment.
Sheaim: Berserker, Champion, Immortal, Phalanx.
Svartalfar: Arquebus, Berserker, Cannon, Catapult, Chariot.
Thanks to everyone for all the help here. This is a big help since it's not always obvious from the Tech tree - Doviello especially. :) I'd been avoiding them since they couldn't build any decent units. Now that I've played a game with them, I know otherwise.
I remember in earlier (pre-BtS) versions of FfH, when you moused over something (a unit, building, hero, etc.) in the civilopedia that your civilization couldn't build, there was red text in the mouseover saying something like "Not buildable by your civilization." I don't know how easy it would be code that back in, but it might be helpful if it's not too difficult to do.
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