CivIV Diplogame:Clash of Empires

Foundation of Athens


Where there was once a great forest there now was the beginnings of a city. Athens they called it after the great goddess Athena, patron of the House of Alexander. There was still much to do in the city, but the palace was complete, a crude thing made of wood and festooned with furs and primitive tapestries for now, but Alexander knew that in time the furs would be replaced with tapestries, and the wood would find its conclusion in fine marble and gold. Turning back to the present however there was one minor detail that needed to be completed for the city to truly have its birth.

In the square in the center of the city was a pit beside which sat a stone. Gathered around this pit and the priests and officials standing besides it was a large crowd. Alexander spoke.

People of Hellas, the time has come, the gods must be satisfied with a sacrifice of blood sealed in the foundations of our city. We must do this so that they may protect us from evils and grant us glory in the aeons to come.

Advisor Christos interceded

"My Lord, I have an ox ready to be sealed beneath the foundation stone of the city at your command"

"ah, Christos... we shall not be sacrificing an ox this day"

"My Lord, then what shalt we sacrifice?"


"me, me ME!"

Alexander smiled at Christos and looking at the cowering advisor said.

"Yes you see, this shall be our capital and we truly must sacrifice something of value, and what is more valuable than a human life? Although I might add I still don;t forget that, troublesome nature of yours. Guards! seize the sacrifice!"

the ceremonial loincloth clad guards, armed with clubs grabbed Christos from behind and dragged him, kicking and screaming to the pit, which in truth was a chamber with a bed, and a table with food and water, that loomed like a black chasm in the center of the square. The walls were carved with sacred images and glyphs, invoking the protection of the gods on the city, and the banishment of evil. The guards tossed Christos into the pit.

"hahaha, you see it would be blasphemous to actually kill you by mortal hands, my honoured advisor. We have given you all you need to survive... for a time. May you die in the darkness knowing that it is the will of the gods that you die."

Hearing this Christos pleaded once more.

"Mercy my King, have mercy, I shall accept banishment to the wilderness if you so wish, just please spare my pitiful life."

Ignoring the sacrifice, the ceremonial guards slowly eased the stone in place, to the wails and pleas of mercy from Christos, until finally with a thud the sound of his wails was extinguished, and from the chamber of sacrifice the last crack of light was banished into shadow and all trace of the sacrifice was covered under the stones of the square of Athens now, and for all eternity.
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