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Clarifying OOS solutions

My mistake earlier, it was patch H that I have been using, not G.

Also, Elgorath, I do keep all the older patches so I may have it, but I won't be able to check until I get home from work.
well i would love to test the different patches.:)
Ive played unpatched and with G and H, seems to me that G is the most stable one. But someone said that E was even more stable than G, so Im hoping:)

Edit: maybe someone could put up a link on the download page for the previous patches on the current version?
My friend and I just started playing a Direct IP game.. and we are having severe OOS problems as well.

Both of us are running patch h at the moment, I am running Vista, he is running XP.

Our last game we went out of sync at about turn 170.. and after doing the regular things (clearing cache, etc) we went back out of sync every 5-6 turns after that.

We tried another game this evening and got up to turn 42 before going out of sync, backed up to the last auto save (turn 40), and tried doing things a little differently.. (stopped working on a wonder that was completed on turn 42, didn't attack a barbarian that was walking around) but still went out of sync on turn 42 no matter what we tried.

We will try using an older patch later this week and see if that has any effect..
has anyone hitting OOS problems across vista/xp tried disabling events? Tonight I'm about to play MP with a friend i convinced to get civ and ffh, and we are xp/vista respectively. Wondering if to drop them from the outset in an attempt to keep the game alive
So, for curiosity, can anyone who has played Patch H between 2 or more XP machines (no Vista players involved) verify that OOS is/isn't a problem for them?

Yes. My most recent game is with myself and one other person. Both machines are XP, and we're using Living World if it matters. This is with patch H. No OOS problems here.

I'm really thinking it has to do with having Vista AND XP machines. That seems to be a common factor that keeps getting mentioned in these OOS reports.
I guess I should have also inquired if anybody has played only between Vista machines (no XP involved). It could be a flat out Vista problem, not neccessarily a cross-OS issue.

But good to know that at least people doing XP to XP should be safe :)
I am going to try installing XP on my machine one of these evenings and see if we still have the problem. I'll let you know..

My gut feeling is it is something to do with Vista as well.. I have only had one other OOS problem with Civ4.. and that was playing Next War with another Vista machine (Vista-Vista).

We do play normal BTS all the time (Vista-XP) without any problems though.
We installed patch E last nite and played the entire nite without OOS, around 300 turns now.
With H we went OOS after just a few turns.
We installed patch E last nite and played the entire nite without OOS, around 300 turns now.
With H we went OOS after just a few turns.

Thats great information. I also need to know if "f" or "g" have frequent OOS's to try to isolate where the issue was introduced.
We installed patch E last nite and played the entire nite without OOS, around 300 turns now.
With H we went OOS after just a few turns.

Same with me here. With patch e (both computers with XP) I had 4 games with no OOS (except when I switched to play hyborem, but that was resolved after exiting the game and loading it again).
But with patch h I got those OOS pretty often.
Kael in G our game went OOS after about 100-150 turns so and H wasn't even playable because of OOS.
We will continue our game on E to see how many turns we can play before (if ever) the game goes OOS.
Some info on our setup if it helps:
I'm playing on a HP 8710w Laptop with Vista home premium 32bit and all updates applied. We are using direct connect for multi and Hamachi for permanent IP (somehow we cant seem to find each other when we search LAN but direct IP works fine).
Ill get the info for my friends setup as soon as he logs on, and any other info u might need?
Kael in G our game went OOS after about 100-150 turns so and H wasn't even playable because of OOS.
We will continue our game on E to see how many turns we can play before (if ever) the game goes OOS.
Some info on our setup if it helps:
I'm playing on a HP 8710w Laptop with Vista home premium 32bit and all updates applied. We are using direct connect for multi and Hamachi for permanent IP (somehow we cant seem to find each other when we search LAN but direct IP works fine).
Ill get the info for my friends setup as soon as he logs on, and any other info u might need?

Yeah, I'll need to know about patch "f" to help isolate where the issue occured.
I actually had my first OOS (on turn 1) with patch H today. Since I had been saying I hadn't had any, and then all of a sudden there one was, I decided to test a little bit. We started and restarted and restarted maybe 30 times or so to see if we could figure out the cause.

One thing I noticed happened each time we went OOS, was that one of us had gotten a popup of some sort. Each of the times I got a popup and we went OOS it was on the same turn that I got one of the new "flavor" popups. By this I mean when you meet the Lanun and Hannah steals your hat for example. Once we even went OOS when she got one of the normal popups you receive when meeting leaders. These would be the ones where you can continue into the trade screen.

We didn't get these "flavor" popups every game, but it seemed like each time we did, we went OOS.

I can safely say it's not a Vista issue, or at least it's also affecting XP machines. For the record, I don't recall any OOS problems in my games for several patches. Patches F and G worked fine for us. This would be the first in quite a long time.
I guess I should have also inquired if anybody has played only between Vista machines (no XP involved). It could be a flat out Vista problem, not neccessarily a cross-OS issue.

Could be a cross-OS issue. I've been playing with 2 friends for some time, all of us were running Vista, and we didn't have any OOS problems.
Then, we played 2 games with an XP player joining in, and after 100-150 turns, both were OOS beyond repair... odd, and probably not related to the OS at all, could be just his installation of Civ, but odd nonetheless...

I guess Kael will have more luck finding the cause in one of the later patches ;)
So, for curiosity, can anyone who has played Patch H between 2 or more XP machines (no Vista players involved) verify that OOS is/isn't a problem for them?

I have played a few games, using patch g or h, on two machines running xp. most games would go out of sync during the first 10 turns. this have happened every game so far, but seems to happen faster on patch h.

I have also had problems with a direct ip game: 3 people on the lan and 1 connecting over the internet. I suspect this has to do with the player connecting over the internet to my public IP and the lan players using the lan IP?
After playing for 500+ turns with E we installed patch F and tried, we just passed 300 turns and no problems:)
so it looks like something went wrong in patch G, need anything else Kael?
I posted about the Vista/XP possibility of causing OOS errors back on Jan 4.
Nice to see some others have made the connection too. I've played on e, f, g, and h. H seemed to be the best of all but it still popped up. The errors typically come from rejoining a game in progress (almost always), when a leader contacts one of us, and when a random event fires off.

I wish I could give more specifics but it's been a while.
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