Combat Animations and Options?


The Suggestor
Mar 9, 2006
Louisville, Kentucky
I am wondering if there ever will be a different type of combat animations in this game? for example, in a galley vs galley, they might board the ship and start taking over, or continue shooting each other down with arrows, or is it going to be a full ram and raid? I want to see different combat animations on each units, I like it to be realistic and more engaging then just "stand there and swing/shoot!".


We need realistic combat, duck in cover, full on charge, sword battles, all those.

Now for the options, what options are there? do they have bombardment on ships, ranged bombardment this time? what about longbow's using arrow barraged or scouts setting up traps? which is new and which is different?
I'd would really like to see moer varied combat, too. It's kind of odd that you're either shooting or looking around cluelessly or just reacting to getting hit, making to attempt to defend yourself...
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