Combined speels that require few types of mana.


Duke Vector fon Pixel
Apr 3, 2005
Just had very simple idea,
To have some powerfull spells unlocked for magic users when civ have some certain set of mana .

1 nature 1 body 1 chaos , combat 5 (power) conj 3: convert any random unit at adjacent tile to just barbarian wolf.

water 2, chaos 2, conj 3 - sink ship : sinks 1 enemy ship within 2 plot radius.

mind 1 chaos 2 conj 3 - madness - make random unit at adjacent tile barbarian + enraged

death 2 entropy 2 chaos 1 conj 3 - deathwind - kills (removes) any food resource from casters tile completely


Every such spell should be learned as separate promotion, While numbers near mana type is both:
1. Number of type promotions needed to get such spell promo
2. amount of mana needed to civ to able get such promo.

such spells are hard to get but make nice specialising flavour and spicing mana type combos.
Sounds nasty! (but cool)

I like the idea... it would definitely create a different strategy in terms of gunning for mana nodes - and it would dictate what mana you build. the downside is (at least with your current proposal) they all require chaos.

But yeah, it would make for certain judgment calls. I enjoy using fire spells. But to get to the spells you suggest, I'd have to lay off the fire.
Well surely you'd use it to add a HUGE number of spells to the game, all requiring different combos of mana. This would take a lot of work, but add a lot of variety. You could possibly even have oober ones that added food resources.
I.e. lots of life (3 maybe) and some earth (2 maybe), and possibly a bit of sun: "Grow corn" - Grows corn on the plot :D

think you mean 'spells' pal. sound a bit too powerful to be taken seriously by the team, but I like the idea of combining mana to make new options :)
As a spell which was able to be cast every turn by a unit with that promotion, way too powerful, even with hefty requirements.

But as a ritual, or a 1 time use spell (lose the promotion after casting), pretty nifty. I'd like to see some cross-sphere spells that are flavorful, but balanced in power however. Things like Earth + Enchantment = create a Wall in the city (not Wall of Stone which requires caster to stay in the city, but an actual permanent wall), or possibly Mystical Armor (+0/2 :strength: permanent promotion to Melee units on tile with caster).
Well obviously you'd not want a unit to create a cornfield a turn LOL. Maybe each unit could create one cornfield though if he gets the requirments, then loses the ability to cast the "cornfield" spell...

I like this idea, but I think it should require level 3 in 2 or more types of magic (ie. Archmages only). That would justify the spells being very powerful and perhaps give some added utility to the underutilized mana types (Water, Entropy, etc.)
Making it require Rank 2 or 3 promotions in multiple fields would make it far easier to code than requiring multiple resources of multiple types (as I recall, somewhere it was stated that such requirements are nearly impossible to set). In fact, that would make it XML only to set up the requirements for the spell, so you would only need to go into Python for making the spell actually do what you want it to do.
One problem with this is that the magic system is pretty tough to get your head round as it is, further complications might make this even worse.
it should just add much more options for combining mana you have., and some flavor and variety .
As for spelss - they can use different combos, and all require chanelling 3 (archmages/summoners/druids/heroes only)
Aslo, some powerfull ,like turn wolf spell should need also combat promos or other promos like spell extension to be learned. Also, each such spell go as single, separate promo, that is aviable on very hight levels , so , that is exactly very hard to get, and is big price.

creating corn tile is too powerfull, however killing / destroying food resource - is actually and option for really powerfull raiding pillaging necromancer archmage/ lich.

Things like sink ship should be divine spells for OO speakers when they reached water 3 chaos 3 mind 2 for example . Make alot of sence just being able to magically divinely influence waterr/ship crew to make it sinking.

Purify - some combination of Law, Nature, Earht and Water to increase by good amount healthiness in cities.

As a spell which was able to be cast every turn by a unit with that promotion, way too powerful, even with hefty requirements.

Well obviously you'd not want a unit to create a cornfield a turn LOL. Maybe each unit could create one cornfield though if he gets the requirments, then loses the ability to cast the "cornfield" spell...


I like this idea, but I think it should require level 3 in 2 or more types of magic (ie. Archmages only). That would justify the spells being very powerful and perhaps give some added utility to the underutilized mana types (Water, Entropy, etc.)

Fire III and Earth III could make a volcano. Life II and Nature II could provide a spell which gives health boosts in a city.

Instead of unit based... New world spells, accessed by multiple mana types?

Some world spells could require 1 or more resources in addition to mana quantity and combinations (and may or may not get burnt).
On a unit, you could grant a Spellstaff-type piece of equipment to allow the spell, then remove it after casting, or have casting the spell add another promo which blocks it again. The former would need a bit of python I believe, but would be tidier.
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