Cool Tournament Names/Themes?


keeping it real
Jun 1, 2002
Haverhill, UK
I kind of like running tournaments even if I don't play in them (though 80% of the time I ended up joining even if I already have a lot of games and/or upcoming games).

Just looking for ideas for tournament names/themes.

Cheers! :)
Name? Chess Fanatics Tournament or Narz's Tournament of Champions ...

Themes: How about specifying thematic openings like Sicilian Defenses or French Defenses? Or double King's Pawn openings?
I had a two knights defense tourney once just to observe it. No one played any lines of interest to me (specifically the main line with 9. Nh3) though, maybe I'll start another one).

I like the sound of Narz's Tournament of Champions. :D Maybe I'll start that one once the King of Spring one reaches round II.

If anyone has a particular opening they'd like to practice let me know & I can start a tournament for it. :)
I wish I could share the lecture that got me interested in that opening. It was made by Pete Tamburro in a series called opening for amateurs on the old site. He was fantastic at explaining the ideas rather than just the moves. Unfortunately the new site does not have that video up anymore and I haven't been able to find it elsewhere.
I'd like to join the Chekhover tournament if it comes around, consider this a pre-sign up :D

And I'd like to see that video, too, if possible.

I like the sound of Narz's Tournament of Champions too, maybe a tournament for NP members? Since we have some members who aren't from CFC.

P.S. Like is my word of the day, tqvm.
I'm thinking of running a Bird's opening theme. Anirac played it against me in one of our team matches and it piqued my interest. I'd have to upgrade in order to get the ability to create a multi-level.

On the two knights tournament resulting in people not playing the lines you wanted, just start at that point?
How popular are themed-tourneys? Do they reduce participation? Or spark an interest!
I'd like to join the Chekhover tournament if it comes around, consider this a pre-sign up :D
Sounds good. I am considering making it a rather small tournament, perhaps 9 players, groups of 3. So I'll make it private at first & invite you and Panzar and whoever else might want to join from CFC. Then I'll open it to the public (perhaps the >1800 public).

I like the sound of Narz's Tournament of Champions too, maybe a tournament for NP members? Since we have some members who aren't from CFC.
I definitely plan to have a Narz's People Intragroup Tourney, I think I'll start this up when I've got a few fewer games myself & maybe when some of our team matches end.

P.S. Like is my word of the day, tqvm.
I like it. :D

I'm thinking of running a Bird's opening theme. Anirac played it against me in one of our team matches and it piqued my interest. I'd have to upgrade in order to get the ability to create a multi-level.
I'd play the Bird from both sides, sounds cool. :)

On the two knights tournament resulting in people not playing the lines you wanted, just start at that point?
Good idea! :D

How popular are themed-tourneys? Do they reduce participation? Or spark an interest!
Probably a little of both. :)
I'm not the only one missing that lecture. There have been plenty of efforts to get that and some of his other lectures back online but to no avail. I don't remember what the reason was, if they even have the file anymore but it doesn't look like it's ever going back up.
I'd be interested in commenting on tournament games for my blog. Just send me a message with a link when done, and I'll be sure to comment on it the best I can. ;)

As for chess openings for tournament, how about the Roy Lupes? It's called the King of Chess Openings apparently.
I'd be interested in commenting on tournament games for my blog. Just send me a message with a link when done, and I'll be sure to comment on it the best I can. ;)

As for chess openings for tournament, how about the Roy Lupes? It's called the King of Chess Openings apparently.

I think you mean Ruy Lopez [/spellingnitpick]

3. Lc4 > 3. Lb5 ;)
Yeah, I meant that one. Sorry about the spelling error. I think I'll analyze it for the "Opening of the Week" on Chess Talk. I think I'll analyze a game of mine for the "Game of the Week".
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