Coolest Name In-Game

Oh come on. Iroquois win!

Longhouse (not so awesome)

The FRICKIN-scale tells me the Iroquois are off the FRICKIN charts!

I'm glad someone brought them up. I was just thinking last night that they should easily dominate the "shock and awe" factor since their UU is apparently
Definitely Montezuma's spoken Nahuatl... and the Chinese disco crossbowmen.
We've all had our threads about what Civ's the best, what you're going to play first, etc. But there's one thing I haven't seen touched on. So, the question is: what Civ can boast the coolest-sounding name to its… um, name? Who's going to bring down the semantic shock and awe? Could be a leader name, a UU/UB, or an ability. Whatever floats your boat.

In CIV, it was the Vikings. You see a guy with chain mail, a horned helmet, and a 3-foot-long beard whose name is freakin' Ragnar Lodbrok and you've got nothing.

Well, if one of the Viking cities were called Iceland, it would sound way cool:mischief:
UA: Manifest Destiny, The Great Warpath, the Glory of Rome. All of those sound pretty cool to me.
UU: Panzer and landsknecht both sound good, but Cho-Ko-Nu is the best.
UB: Krepost. Russian is the most badass language ever.
I dun know... German is pretty Awesome. Blitz, krieg, blitzkrieg, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Wehrmacht, etc etc...

But ya krepost is fairly awesome.
"Sun Never Sets" is awe inspiring. :cool:
The coolest name is definitely...

Seriously, if you named your child that, he'd get good grades, physical strength, and romantic success! :mischief:
Moderator Action: 8 and a half post deleted. Back to topic.

As for the new version, weren't there both mounted Immortals and infantry Immortals?

Nah they were certainly infantry-only, but Persian cavalry also had a very fearsome reputation at the time. I guess the Civ4 immortals were an attempt to compromise the two since a civ could only have one UU, and the Greeks already had a spearman UU.
I hope they call her Empress Wu instead of Wu Zetian. Empress Wu just sounds cooler.
What's wrong with Elizabeth's greeting?
The coolest ingame name own, on the victory screen :cool:.

Victory Screen?

I kid.

On topic: No one's going to comment on Caesar Augustus? He only still has an entire *month* named after him (Two really, since his legal name was Gaius Julius Caesar)
8 and a half post deleted? WTH? What topic? And how those were off topic? ugh...
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