Corruption & Waste - "Off"?


Oct 6, 2003
Omaha, NE
I've just noticed that there's now an "off" option in the "corruption & waste" category of the "governments" menu in the C3C editor. (I'm not sure when it was added.) But it's not documented on the "help" screen. Anyone know for sure what it does? I'd assume that it's a way to designate that a government doesn't suffer at all from corruption, but, well, we all know what is said about assuming.... ;)

-- Darryl
I noticed that as well. Probably removes all corruption and waste. That make things VERY unbalanced, for sure, in the epic game but could have applications in scenarios.
Actually, I did a little test after I posted the question, and setting the "off" flag does *not* remove all corruption. So I've no idea what, if anything, it actually does.

-- Darryl
It seems to increase it. I wonder if there's anyway to manually fix that or if it's just an idea the developers had but never really put in.....
That's just bizarre. The "off" setting doesn't remove all corruption?

Did you make sure you were in that government?
Yep, with the minimal corruption option every city has a corruption of 1 only (except the capital). I haven't noticed a difference if a city is on the other side of the map. Waste can only be taken off by adding/editing an improvement and making it have a pollution value of -50.
It is a broken feature. Right now it makes all cities experience total corruption.
im sure this has been brought up before. and everytime we talk about how stupid this bug is and how it actually increases corruption.
I really think it is best to stay away from the OFF option
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