Crash on custom game startup?


May 30, 2016
Every time I try and start a custom game, my game just up and crashes. I've tried a few fixes but none of them seem to work. The normal method of creating a game works perfectly fine, but starting a custom game crashes it before I can even get to the loading bar. Any fixes?
Honestly I am not sure, it has been so long since I worked on it, it could be any number of reasons...

What exactly are you tying to Customise for the Game? As opposed to doing it from a standard start?

I never really tested the game to run custom games, only from the Enter The Waste (Let's Play) button.
I haven't done anything funky with it, I even tried just rolling with the default options the second I hit "Custom game" but it just crashes the second I start up. Crashes no matter what I do

Though thanks anyway for responding years after working on the mod, anyway
Yeah sorry about that, it could honestly be anything, by the end I had people who created a lot of mod merging and custom code for the game and they were not able to stay until it was 100% stable, there are lots of bizarre little quirks and bugs that can arise.

Not being able to finish all the plans I had for the mod was a disappointment, when members of the team had to move on the mod was too complex and the task too large for me to complete on my own with my limited skill set. I had a lot more I wished I could have done, and a few mysteries and issues I wish we could have solved.
Oh so that's why mod development stopped? Oh, I'm sorry to here that it stopped before you wanted to complete it
Yeah I really wanted to try and create a lot more content and make something that was hopefully unique in the civ mod community. With concepts like faction identities that evolved depending on the choices and decisions you made, changing the skills abilities and units they possessed. Most of the big rocks were in, but they were not 100% stable and prone to quirks and it was a lot of content creation and xml work to do also. In the end I was on my own and it just stopped being fun trying to wrestle with health issues and work on the mod content and xml input solo.

At one point we had a really great team all with great skills they could bring, so I was mostly just throwing out the ideas and content that i wanted to see in todo lists and it would just come back to me completed with such speed that it was a struggle for me to keep pumping out the content info for people to work on! :D

That was a really fun time for me because i could almost exclusively work on idea generation and all of the hard work of making it a reality was being taken up by other people. :D
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