Creating custom religious icons?


Sep 1, 2023
I would like to create a mod similar to "Leugi's Fruit and Plant Religion Symbols"

This entails : just adding a bunch of religious icons to choose from, without any belief or rule change. I do not need the AI to pick those religion icons either.
I tried looking for a tutorial about this, but i couldn't find anything, including on this forum.

My end goal is just to increase the choices of icons with a few more pop culture/funny meme related icons, basically. Nothing too fancy. But I am a complete noob with modding this game, so I could definitely use some help even with this relatively simple idea. This forum seemed like the best place to ask. So thanks in advance for any help you are willing to give me!
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Bumping my thread, as I managed to take my first baby steps after finding a tutorial document by Leugi.
...But my mod still doesn't work. I can see the preview of my religion icon in the asset editor, and the mod is built without compilation errors. I can even see it in my mod manager in-game. But once I found a religion... the icon isn't there.

Now, Leugi's document didn't explain very well how to configure the art.xml file, so I kind of suspect this is where I made a mistake. I tried to look for other tutorials about that part, but all I could find was examples for different kinds of mods, so they didn't help me grasp what was wrong with my case.
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