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[CTD] How to diagnose ?

Post the latest version here and we can check for CTDs on our machines (as they exhibited different behaviour to yours)
I expect to finish testing them in less than an hour.
It is still pretty unstable, though. If I found a city straight away, it can cause a CTD, while if I take time to move other units first, it is fine. I wonder what can cause that...

Well, I'm still adding the civs. As soon as they are all prooftested, I will upload the stable version here ^^ Thanks in advance ! I am ashamed I published a completely unplayable version before, it is a relief to have the opportunity to have it tested by someone else beforehand this time :D
I am puzzled.
I added the civs one by one without removing the original ones, and the game launched successfuly for all of them (founded a city, played a few turns).
As soon as I made regular civs unplayable, CTD at launch.

I uploaded both versions, if you want to see for yourself :
LoA v 13 (working) all original civs + 8 custom
LoA v 14 (CTD) - only custom civs

Warning : founding the city to fast causes a freeze then a CTD, which doesn't happen if you wait a minute before doing it. Any idea why ?

Thank you in advance for your time

EDIT : 3:35 am, time to go to bed !
I can make v13 consistently crash by starting a game as Alrick (Horselord), selecting the Militia unit, and hovering over the Upgrade icon.

Fortunately the crash is in the game core DLL so appears in the CvMiniDump.dmp file. It is being caused by a failure to calculate the upgrade price, because none of your units that can be upgraded to have prereq techs, which the BNW game core (not sure about G&K, haven't looked) requires to calculate the era based modifier. Setting UNIT_FAN_SWORDMAN to have a prereq tech of TECH_KNOWLEDGE fixes that particular CTD.

Edit: BTW, none of the units have SV icons, which makes it impossible to play in SV map mode. Also the Tech Tree is completely screwed-up
Thank you for the help ! I will have a look at that :D

Setting UNIT_FAN_SWORDMAN to have a prereq tech of TECH_KNOWLEDGE fixes that particular CTD.
It could have taken me ages to figure that out... xD

BTW, none of the units have SV icons, which makes it impossible to play in SV map mode.
I don't really know what that is actualy. I mean, the format. I will see to add them.

Also the Tech Tree is completely screwed-up
Yes, that is a work in progress. I was in the middle of changing it when I had to take care of the CTD issue. Same with Marsh tribe and wildlings, I was about to change their models so they are inconsistent with their 2D pictures.

Thanks again ^^
Well, I fixed the promotion bug, I think. I might adress the SV issue in a later update, when the game no longer crashes and the currently being implemented things are done (tech tree, marshtribe and wildlings).
As for the original civs removal CTD, I quite don't get what's wrong. There are enough playable custom civs, both original and custom civs seem to work. Original civs are not deleted, only unplayable (so there are, in theory, no invalid references).

EDIT : wait... I just saw in the logs that the random AI was set to Songhai... ? I will try again.
EDIT 2 : still CTD. T-T
It is still V14. When I looked at the logs, I saw I was playing vs Songhai, since it remembered the setup from v13. I set the opponent manualy to a playable civ, hoping it was the cause, but it didn't change anything, I still get CTD at launch...
I had no time to work on it today, it was sunday, I spent time with my family. Maybe I can try again later tonight.

EDIT to answer more precisely : V14, the latest, with only the custom civs, seems to crash at launch, like it did before V13... Doesn't it for you ?
As I could get V13 to crash consistently, there seemed little point testing V14 as it would contain the same issue.

If I get time (with the 8 hours time diff), I may quickly fix V14 with the prereq techs and see what the CvMiniDump file logs

Edit: If I fix the PrereqTech issue with


in V14 it doesn't crash at load - I get three units, can move two of them around and found a city with the third, set production and research. Then Next Turn is fine and I can move the units about again.
Well, that is a surprise, since the only difference between those versions is the uncommenting of the update command to make civs unplayable. And here when I added the prereq tech to the civs to v14 it kept crashing...

But I will try something that proved efficient against unexplainable CTDs in the past : clear the cache folder. I'll tell you if I have any results.
If you were previously playing a specific civ (as opposed to a random one) you'll also need to edit config.ini and change
; Last Civilization Played
LastCiv = 43
and change the 43 (or whatever) to -1
I cleared the cache folder and put -1 in the config file. I still get a CTD.

Now unlike you I didn't use SQL, I manualy added the prereqtech in the XML files - because some metamods are not compatible with SQL and ultimately I would like to make the mod multiplayer through one of them.
Anyway, I guess I did it wrong somewhere, but it doesn't ring any alarm in the logs... (I am very likely to make mistakes when copy-pasting or commenting-uncommenting but usualy it ends up with warnings or errors).

Here is the V15
with the following behaviour : consistent CTD during dawn of man, before the button "start game" appears, after an unusualy long freeze.

Again, thank you for all you have tested and all the helpful advices you have provided to me. I am sorry I put you through such trouble.
The units are scattered across many files (which is why I used SQL, too lazy to change all the units in all the files!), sure you got all of them? You can always look directly in the database (see the SQLite 101 tutorial in the Tuts and Refs sub-forum for how) to make sure.
I didn't do it for civilians. Summons already had it. Otherwise, I did it for military units, and unique units inside the civs files. I didn't do it for heroes and leaders though... Well, I may as well do it for civilians, heroes and leaders. After all, it seems to be the main difference between our implementations.

EDIT : same thing after I did it for all units (I didn't originaly because I thought units that don't upgrade didn't need it).
EDIT 2 : does the V15 I uploaded crash for you too ? maybe it's not related, since this was the cause for the upgrade unit CTD, but not for the dawn of man one.
V15, I'm getting no database.log errors nor lua.log errors. It's not crashing (6 civs, playing as Alarick, Pangea, etc)

So, from you not crashing when everyone else was to you crashing and no one else is ... :crazyeye:

Edit: Playing as El... (the pretty one) just CTDed after map setup ...
That's what I meant when I said it makes no sense to me, and it's hard to figure out what's wrong xD Do you play on DX11 ? I'll try DX9... (I play on tablet version and I had CTDs with error codes that seemed tablet specific according to the forums I read)

Edit: Playing as El... (the pretty one) just CTDed after map setup ...
I have mixed feelings about this. :p EDIT : I mean, I was happy it worked at least for someone.
3 am here ... I'll have a look again tomorrow, but sadly I also have work to do.
Good night and thanks again :D
OK, I have no idea why (as it's crashing in civ.exe) but I can get the mod to start by picking either a standard (8 players) or small (6 players) map size AND REMOVING TWO AI PLAYERS FROM THE LIST

This makes no sense!

Would be interesting to know what happens for others ...
I tried playing this and it crashed instantly 8 players, standard etc etc I run it through Modtoool to verify and this is what I got in the error log

Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/AttackFVoxA-000.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/AttackFVoxA-001.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/AttackFVoxA-002.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/AttackFVoxA-003.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-000.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-001.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-002.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-003.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-004.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-005.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-006.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/DeathFVoxA-007.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/FortifyFVoxA-000.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/FortifyFVoxA-001.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/FortifyFVoxA-002.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/FortifyFVoxA-003.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/HurtFVoxA-000.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/HurtFVoxA-001.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/HurtFVoxA-002.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/HurtFVoxA-003.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/HurtFVoxA-004.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/RunFVoxA-000.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/RunFVoxA-001.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/RunFVoxA-002.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Sound asset Art/3D Models/Units/Elves/ElvenMage/Sounds/RunFVoxA-003.wav should be imported into the VFS!
Lua file Scripts/Map Generation/AssignStartingPlots.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin
Lua file TMP/CivilopediaScreen.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin
Lua file UI/Before Game/CityStateDiploPopup.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin
Lua file UI/Before Game/CityView.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin
Lua file UI/Before Game/ProductionPopup.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin
Lua file UI/General/PlotMouseoverInclude.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin
Lua file UI/In Game/Magic/Spellbook.lua UI Addin must NOT have VFS=true!
Lua file UI/In Game/Magic/spells_and_effects.lua UI Addin must NOT have VFS=true!
XML file UI/In Game/Magic/Spellbook.xml UI Addin must NOT have VFS=true!
XML file UI/In Game/Magic/spells_and_effects.xml UI Addin must NOT have VFS=true!
Lua file UI/In Game/TechTree/TechPanel.lua is neither VFS=true nor a UI Addin

EDIT also just checked errors as well and there was this in the error log:

No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Buildings>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Buildings>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Civilizations>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Civilizations>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Civilizations>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Civilizations>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Religions>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Religions>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Religions>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Religions>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <AICityStrategies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <AICityStrategies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <AIEconomicStrategies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <AIEconomicStrategies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <AIMilitaryStrategies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <AIMilitaryStrategies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Worlds>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Builds>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <BuildFeatures>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Improvement_TechYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Improvement_TechNoFreshWaterYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Improvement_TechFreshWaterYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Improvement_TechYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policies>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_CityYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_CoastalCityYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_CapitalYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_CapitalYieldPerPopChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_CapitalYieldModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_Disables>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_Flavors>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_HurryModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_PrereqPolicies>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_PrereqORPolicies>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_SpecialistExtraYields>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_BuildingClassYieldModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_BuildingClassYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_BuildingClassCultureChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_BuildingClassProductionModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_BuildingClassHappiness>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_ImprovementYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_ImprovementCultureChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_ValidSpecialists>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_YieldModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_FreePromotions>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_FreeUnitClasses>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_UnitCombatProductionModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_FreePromotionUnitCombats>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_UnitCombatFreeExperiences>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_FreeItems>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_GreatWorkYieldChanges>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_BuildingClassTourismModifiers>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Policy_TourismOnUnitCreation>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <PolicyBranchTypes>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <PolicyBranch_Disables>
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Resources>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Resources>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Resources>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Technologies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Technologies>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Technology_PrereqTechs>
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Technology_Flavors>
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Technologies>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Technologies>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Technology_PrereqTechs>
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Technology_Flavors>
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Units>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Units>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <Units>
No <Where> tag in <Update> for <ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos>
No conditions on <Delete> tag for <Unit_ClassUpgrades>
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
unique on <Column> tag is redundant
EDIT also just checked errors as well and there was this in the error log:

What with? Delete does not need a condition, neither does Update need a Where clause (depending on what is trying to be achieved)
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