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[CTD] How to diagnose ?

Hi !

I can try to put the sounds into the VFS (actualy the sorceress model, along with the mage one, isn't working as expected in my mod, she doesn't trigger any combat animations, while she should). I didn't because another female model seemed to have the same SFX file names and I was affraid it might conflict... EDIT and I thought these were original files overridden so it would work anyway, but I may be mistaken about it.
Since whoward69 said it crashed with Elorielle, and she uses that model, there can be a link here.

The Lua and XML files that are neither in the VFS, nor in the action update are either deprecated or work in progress.

Thank you, onmy6. I will give a try to the SFX thing.
The SFX didn't change anything.

But I tried playing with -2 civs, and it seems to consistently launch when you remove 2 civs from the normal map size. Thats is a bit weird to me...
Hi Zaelon
I would hold off until whoward OK's it first as whoward has pointed out not all of these are errors And I wouldn't want to steer you wrong

Don't worry about that. I tried the SFX because experience proved more than once that something I considered unsignificant turned out to be CTD material, and art assets can very well fit in this category (even though they seem to trigger error messages without crashing most of the time).
Also, when all logical solutions seem to fail, you resort to "but it shouldn't make a differecen !" ones more easily xD
Your help is appreciated, thank you :D
Shows how long ago I wrote that utility then - can't remember what my own code does!

ModTools was written primarily to merge two or more mods and it's verification is based on that assumption.

<Delete/> without attributes (the condition), or <Update> without a <Where> tag, just means "everything in this table".

When merging two or more mods, that's probably going to cause issues (or at least unexpected behaviour depending on load order) but for a Total Conversion mod it's probably intentional.

Certainly worth fixing all the VFS issues - and make sure "Reload Audio System" (or whatever the check box is called) is ticked.

If still crashing, assuming V13 (the one with all the standard civs still enabled) works correctly (ie all civs for the map size), then it's time for WinDiff/BeyondCompare, as the issue MUST be somewhere in the changes between the two versions. Time for the boring "apply one, test, apply the next one, retest, repeat".
Modtools is a brilliant tool it has saved my bacon many times as you say it's primary purpose is for verification when merging mods however for single mods it still works a treat in a lot of respects
IMO it's a must have tool:)
I think the CTD with Elorielle is a red-herring (albeit a very pretty one ...) as I think I was trying a different leader but had also reverted to 8 players on a standard map (ie not map size - 2)
Not a problem, have to have something to read / reply to while code is compiling.

Presumably v15 crashes for you, but does the "remove 2 AIs" also work?
Hmm very weird I just now tried standard map minus 2 civs, no city states and spell victory conditions disabled and it works, go figure

Edit Prince Aldrick as player civ
Edit2 after selecting a pantheon and hit next turn it CTD'ed
I too worked today and had no time to look into it... Tomorrow might be the same. I have sent the mod to some friends for testing and am waiting for their feedback.
I don't get why this crash only happens when original civs are disabled or why it doesn't when civs are removed from the map size standard.
It is likely that this annoying bug comes from an almost unsignificant thing, but it can prove hard to figure out... it would be a lot faster if anyone had been through this before and knew the solution already, but I doubt it !

Thank you guys for your help. Without you, I think I would lost hope xD
I'm stumped.

If you leave America (ID=0) and Arabia (ID=1) as AIPlayable="true", then you can start a Standard(Small) map with 8(6) players.

Tried moving the new civs into ID's 0 thru 7 - no help
Tried using America for Elo... and Arabia for Aldrick - no help

What's really weird is that with the new civs in position 0 and 1, when you start a game Aldrick shows as "Harun of the Horse Lords" with Harun's icon and Aldricks civ icon and UUs! Same for Elo... showing as "Washington of the High Elves", but in the drop-downs to select a civ you get the correct fantasy leader names!

Go figure.

Might be worth PMing the TC modders, to see if there are any tricks/tips to follow
If I remember well, when I first implmented this mod three years ago, on Gods and Kings, I had a similar problem.
I always tend to remove at least 2 civs in the game setup when testing, as a habit from that time. Thing is, browsing the comments of that older version I can find no mention of it either in the bugs reports or the tips, but I'm pretty sure at one point it ocurred. I don't think it was solved though, it might just have disappeared in a later update and remained unexplained.
Long story short, you need 10 civs, not 8

Long version - have created a test Total Conversion from scratch, and the only way I can get it to work removing all standard civs is by adding 10 new civs

ModBuddy project

(I'm away now until Monday - at the Brighton (UK) Model Exhibition (modding with Lego bricks), if anyone's going ... come and say "Hi")
Ok so I need to add custom civs ? turns out there are two in preparation. I should make it a priority then :p
I PMd FramedArchitecture about it too, and am waiting for his answer. He made a very good TC mod and is a very friendly guy.

Thank you Whoward69, I'll try this workaround tonight, because it'll be weekend :D
I don't know how to thank you guys for your help... Maybe I'll name heroes after you in the game :D

EDIT : He replied and he concurs with your analysis of the situation. I'll definately add 2 civs this weekend :D
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