"Cultural Pressure" / Cities swapping sides [ACCEPTED]

Does "Cultural Pressure" sound interesting?

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One thing in favor of leaving this as-is, is that I really enjoy watching a close competitor city slowly being shrunk by my culture. I don't really need for it to flip to me - seeing it with like 4-5 usable tiles is fun enough.
Hi guys,

since it was just discussed recently again at discord, I opened it once more for discusssion,
Maybe now with the changes in Culture System it would also have more meaning. :dunno:
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I voted yes, mostly because I want to have an option to play game in less "shoot everything" agressive type. Getting towns to flip due to slowly becoming more akin to nearby culture is very immersive and makes sense. Plus stops the general annoyance of "Oh suddenly there is a small settlement in middle of my blob that is really not worth going into a war over.. but would be nice to integrate over time.
I voted yes, mostly because I want to have an option to play game in less "shoot everything" agressive type. Getting towns to flip due to slowly becoming more akin to nearby culture is very immersive and makes sense. Plus stops the general annoyance of "Oh suddenly there is a small settlement in middle of my blob that is really not worth going into a war over.. but would be nice to integrate over time.
Voted yes for the same reason
Something that always bothered me when playing regular Civ with city flipping is that I assume in the real world, if a city or region "flipped" from Nation A to another nation called Nation B and Nation B accepts that flip, with neither the flipping city/region nor Nation B consulting Nation A on the decision, that may be a cause for war between the two nations, namely that Nation A will feel they have casus belli against Nation B. I don't necessarily know what that means in terms of WTP gameplay. Perhaps it (at least) greatly lowers Nation A's foreign relations opinion of Nation B. "-6 You incited traitors in our territory and took our land!" Something like that.
One thing in favor of leaving this as-is, is that I really enjoy watching a close competitor city slowly being shrunk by my culture. I don't really need for it to flip to me - seeing it with like 4-5 usable tiles is fun enough.
For my personal taste, I'm basically this lol. I'm not too concerned whether the city becomes mine automatically or not - if my cultural borders are winning, then I'm already winning that border pressure battle.
If leaders can already negotiate the gifting and receiving of cities, I would think that's enough. Not sure about humans, but perhaps an AI can value their own cities that are being pressured by a neighbor's culture as "lower in value" and thus be more willing to offer it up during negotiations as a gift or for a trade. At least that way, it models the consulting I mentioned above - nations should consult over something as important as the transferring of cities (unless they are in conflict or willing to go into conflict, of course).
Nation B consulting Nation A on the decision

see here, I have adjusted the concept:

DLL Diplomacy Dialogue "City Swapping":
  • When Swapping is triggered a DLL-Diplomacy Dialogue with the current City Ownerwill allow the player to make decisions.
    • Refuse the City Swapping: Will improve the relations to the Owner player and restore the inner City Plots to the culture of the Owner
    • Pay for the City Swapping: City will swap sides but the Player pays an amount of money relative to City size. No change in relations.
    • Just let City Swap Sides: City will swap sides but the Player does not to pay for it. Relations to the Owner Player are worsened.
    • Let City Swap Sides and also Declare War: City wil swap sides. War is started. Relations to the Owner Player worsen dramatically.

It was clear to me that there would be a DLL-Diplomacy-Dialogue, but I had not written it down. I was planning it from the start, but did not consider the details yet.
Whenever I do stuff like this, I give the player an active choice what to do - so there is a"strategic decision" involved, which is important for gamepaly.
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Ok, as it seems this feature is by now clearly ACCEPTED. :)
It has a pretty clear majority now in community and team also likes it.

Still not really sure why the concept was so highly disputed in the beginning ... :dunno:
Although it is kind of a general trend that new concepts at first get rejected.
Would be great, if the swapping would have negative effect in regard of the king, the city comes from, e.g. if the city is Spanish and the city decides to "become" English (player is English) the relationship between player and Spanish king will be affected definitely negative so that he also could declare war if the relationship was already bad before that happened.
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