Culturally linked neighbours??


Mar 10, 2004
I think I read somewhere that neighbouring civs would be culturally close to your own civ (that is correspond to the real world situation) so that for example Americans, Iroquios and Sioux starts close to each other. I also think this was actually the case in version 1.12. I've been playing 1.15 lately though and then I always seem to get those weird neighbours. For example in my last game I was Babylonian on a continent together with Zulu, Portuguese, Japanese. On another continent was French, Mongols and Sumerian. Wouldn't it be more logical for the Sumerians to start closer to me than the Japs and the Japanese to be closer to the Mongols??
Everytime I do a normal map with culturally linked on with 1.15b, I ALWAYS seem to start out near the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas..... Even if I'm Babylon, etc. Anyone know why that is? If I pick all random that is.... This might be another bug.
The American thing be a bug with Conquests, regarding random civs.
I hate that every single game, I play against the americans, aztecs, incans, and iroquois. Hate Hate Hate!

Not to be offensive to the native americans, but it takes all historical interest out of my civ game to play against them.

None of the city names are recognizable. For that matter, in my last game, the Iroquois and Incas were THE SAME COLOR. Not only could I not tell them apart by city name, they looked the exact same on the map. Well actually some of the Iroqouis cities are recognizable, but only because they have english names like "Niagara falls" or "Oil Springs" which is itself uninteresting as well.
You can pick what civs you want instead of making them all random. Of course its less fun I think if you know who all the civs are going to be.

I hope they fix the all random bug in the next patch. :(
I actually haven't found those issues at all. In my last game, I went Sumer and had as neighbours Babylon, Arabia, Persia, The Ottomans and a little beyond them, the Zulus. Cultural links Seemed to work fine. In fact, I've rarely started near American civs at all.
THATS why I keep playing against American Civs! I won't be picking random enemies anymore.
I have just started a game as Japan... And my neighbours is: The Ottomans, French and the American..?

If it should be right then my neighbours should be China and Korea....

Its in a big map, with max. civs.

Strange it is...
I suggest to turn off "clsp".As long it is buggy, it might be better to choose completly random neighbours.
This has only happened to me with CLSP turned on.
I have played about 12 or 13 games since C3C and my neighbours have always been Maya, Aztecs, Incas and Americans, regardless of which Civ I am.
Why would switching CLSP of change this?

I have now started choosing my opponents so that these American civs aren't in the game but it loses something of the surprise.
Originally posted by Parmenion
This has only happened to me with CLSP turned on.
I have played about 12 or 13 games since C3C and my neighbours have always been Maya, Aztecs, Incas and Americans, regardless of which Civ I am.
Why would switching CLSP of change this?

I have now started choosing my opponents so that these American civs aren't in the game but it loses something of the surprise.

If CLSP works correct it should do the following: the (randomly) choosen civs are placed on the map so that civs with cultural relations start near each other.
But now it is buggy; the civs are not choosen really random and they are not correcty linked on the map.
If you turn the option of, the bug doesn't come in - you simply have completly random neighbours.
At the moment I see no good reason for using CLSP.
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