CUlture Pressure and City Flipping


Apr 12, 2009
Just completed a Noble win as Sumeria. I won a late cultural victory.

First I would like to say thanks to all on these forums, I have upped my game play considerably since coming here. The advice on economy, diplomacy, city speacilization, running speacialists, and most importantly going from a huge map to standard until I got a handle on the diplomacy has taken me from hardly being able to win on noble, to being fairly confident I can win just about any game.

As for my question, it involves two of Pacal's cities. I was culture pressing them very hard, yet I never saw them revolt, and they didn't flip. Is there something I am missing in that? If they were my cities they would have been gone. Do I need to incite a revolt to get these cities?

Thanks for any help given.


  • Sumeria.CivBeyondSwordSave
    585.4 KB · Views: 212
You may indeed have been pressing them so hard they were in danger of revolting to your side, but the revolutionaries have to be able to defeat the city garrison, who is loyal to Pacal. If those cities had extremely large garrisons, there was no real hope of them flipping. One thing you can try is getting another AI to declare war on the one who's cities you are trying to flip. An unexpected war on a different front is the most likely way to get the AI to pull forces out of a city on the brink of revolt.
The two cities will not revolt because the garrisons are too strong. I used the WB to increase your EPs against Pacal so I could examine the cities. Neither have any chance of a revolt with the present garrisons. You need even higher culture to flip them but he could just increase the garrison to compensate.
There is more than enough culture to flip, the problem is bad angle-of-attack. If he adds another city down, things get much easier even if it's a real horsehockey one.
Not sure what you mean by angle of attack. The problem is simple, the garrisons are too large and are stopping the chance of revolt. If you could get him to move them away both cities could revolt.


Using WB again, I added a load of modern armour, gunships and GMs and killed the garrison. The city Altun Ha immediately had a 9.6% chance of revolt. It's the garrison ;)
So if I understand this correctly. if MY city is being pressured culturally and my city revolts but stays on my side then it is in my best interest to load that city up with military units? or do only units with the "city garrison" promotion aid in stopping a revolt?
So if I understand this correctly. if MY city is being pressured culturally and my city revolts but stays on my side then it is in my best interest to load that city up with military units? or do only units with the "city garrison" promotion aid in stopping a revolt?

Any unit helps. Promotions are irrelevant, but each TYPE of unit has different values for suppressing revolts (for example a rifle is much better than a catapult).

Angle of attack only matters insomuch as it's possible to get multiple cities to press the same AI city, and that generally means more culture pressing. Particularly effective with sistine religious buildings.
Is it possible to culturally flip a civ out of existence? ie, take their last city withy culture?
Is it possible to culturally flip a civ out of existence? ie, take their last city withy culture?

I was playing a duel map for HOF trying for cultural on settler. I accidentally won a conquest victory by flipping the ai's capital and last city :( .
Sorry to revive a dead thread, but what I have to say is relevant. Flipped Persepolis (Capital) from Cyrus playing as Bismarck. Was his last city, it flipped, and the Persians were destroyed. Warlord difficulty, marathon, duel, 8 civs, terra. Unfortunately I won a Cultural victory before the city flipped. Oh well.

Had the Better BTS AI mod on, and had it set to make technologies take 27% longer to research. Pics in this photobucket album. Photo numbers 16-19 are the ones that show the flip, 1 - 15 show the progression. For those who want to see the whole thing: click here for the album

And for those who just want to see the flip:
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